Recent content by hungry

  1. hungry

    low dose for 12 wks

    solid. thanks dawg.
  2. hungry

    low dose for 12 wks

    I have no problem dropping the dbol. Any suggestion on how high to go with the test cyp? maybe 350-400? I have no problem running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but only if it is necessary. That was why I hadn't made my mind up about the dbol because it wasn't necessary. I just have a...
  3. hungry

    low dose for 12 wks

    Whats going on fellas? I'm 25 5'10" about 190lbs. I'm going to wait until I hit 200lbs before I start, which is actually really big for me-size and weight like that just doesn't run in my family. I plan on running a 12wk cycle... 1-12 250mg test cyp 1-4 15mg dbol (maybe...still...
  4. hungry

    morning carb while cutting

    yes I would like to hear this with a legit explanation with hopefully a study to prove this statement. I'm not lookng for a "just because" or "this is what my buddy does". to state that it "tricks the brain" is a pretty powerful statement and any non-anecdotal answer would be appreciated.
  5. hungry

    free weight only leg routine?!

    Squat, front squat, front/back/walking lunges, slds, good mornings, step-ups, deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, power cleans, DB leg curls (if you have DB), if you can figure out a way to do bodyweight leg curls... and there's probaly more I can't think of or more I don't know.
  6. hungry

    23 and considering hrt

    what does your cycle history look like?
  7. hungry

    morning carb while cutting

    can you explain this a little more?
  8. hungry


    How many sets and reps does everyone do for squats and deads? And I've read about doing a 20 rep set for squats can someone go into greater detail please.
  9. hungry


  10. hungry

    When to take creatine???

  11. hungry

    homw town slut

    Lucky fu**in' kids!!
  12. hungry

    what does SNIFFY mean?

  13. hungry

    Primo and Winny making it fall off Help ,,,

    Let me get this straight: you did 6wks of anavar, then you did 6wks of primo at only 200mg a week, and then you did winstrol for 7wks but only 50mg four times a week. Now you are on a deca only cycle for 8wks. And you want to know why your hair is falling out?!?!
  14. hungry

    should post cycle therapy (pct) differ between cycles

    Depending on how long the cycle is, yes.
  15. hungry

    Quality of Nolvadex/Gyno

    ...gyno from deca is progesterone related, so how would nolvadex help?