Recent content by iceman82nd

  1. I

    Im too skinny, need help gaining

    I appreciate all the information! There's also one more aspect to consider that i forgot to mention. I realize eating more and more, but honestly when i try to eat that much i get to a point of throwing up. Ive eaten meals where i eat myself till i cant, then i throw up. And even then its not...
  2. I

    Im too skinny, need help gaining

    Well honestly, I've been eating good foods for the last couple years and havent gotten much as results. So i've now taken the notion of eat anything and everything. (with some limits, i.e. not so much fast foods) I'll usually have: (~2 a day) pro perf. mas xxx shake with the following put into...
  3. I

    Im too skinny, need help gaining

    I eat a solid 4 meals a day. Plus 1-2 shakes. And snakes here and there. For now I've been eating anything, plus the additionals fruits and veggies. But mostly eating high calorie foods, fast food several times a week + eating out (pizza/wings) twice a week. It incredibly hard to gain weight in...
  4. I

    Im too skinny, need help gaining

    I had post a topic on my thoughts of first cycle plus info: 20 years old 5'10 130lbs 2.5 years training on/off I eat and eat, and hit the gym 5 days a week doing one body part each day at the gym. Im...
  5. I

    Im skinny, need help with training info

    Well i had previously posted my thoughts for a first cycle and my information. 20 years old 5'11 130lbs Ectomorph (eat alot but cant gain shit) 2.5years at the gym (on/off last year because of fam...
  6. I

    Confessions of an Ectomorph

    Yea, I am an ectomorph as well. During last summer i hit the gym harder than ever for 4 months. God good visible gains, but nothing to show much mass, more of a cut although gained 5-10 lbs. It's rediculous how i cant gain anything but can eat everything, and i shit it out hours later.
  7. I

    Stats/Thought of 1st cycle

    Thinking about getting my first cycle together with a buddy whose been doing this for 7 years. 20 yrs old 5'11'' 130lbs Eat a lot, but fast metabolism = shit everyday Good 3 years training Lift 5 days a week Basically the meat i have on my body is very very defined. Goal: 155lbs 500mg test e -...