Recent content by ichimaru

  1. ichimaru

    What Do You Say When Ppl Ask If Your Using AAS?

    so whats your response if they off the bat tell you youre a roid monkey and says that your a cheating bodybuilder for doing roids? (didnt even start yet and im only 5'8'', 208) that little bastard...i shouldve donkey kicked him in the chest
  2. ichimaru

    blood pressure-on cycle

    dude, go to the nearby pharmacy and use the automatic ones, theyre pretty accurate
  3. ichimaru

    What kind of BodyBuilder are you?

    to be the best (in lifts, in size, in anything) ...sounds cheesy, but im betting most people here want the same thing
  4. ichimaru

    Another GREAT must read for Newbies!

    Great info. Answers all newbie questions. Just a thought though, i've been around to see people who inject without proper precautions (like i dont know, NOT USING ALCOHOL PADS TO CLEAN FIRST!) do that first otherwise youll have some gross infection or abscess. Thanks for the info again.
  5. ichimaru

    Basics of cycling

    shouldnt you start a new thread, i thought this thread was for newbie info. by the way, the info given is awesome, thanks.
  6. ichimaru

    Before you ask "how about this for a first cyle" read this

    pleasure to join the forum. nice thread before all the questions came up. good novice info here. Thanks for all the help and the site.
  7. ichimaru

    Baseball Season Is Coming!

    Detroit cam out of no where. definite cinci red will be in the playoffs, maybe the astros if their friggin relief pitching doesnt scroo it up like always