Recent content by insulin_dependant

  1. insulin_dependant

    Domestic vs Not domestic

    True, I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. It's only been 1/2 a day, but its got me paranoid as shit. I'll keep you alls posted on what happens, and if I need any further advice. Should I reject the package if it does finally show up? Or Am I just being too paranoid?
  2. insulin_dependant

    Domestic vs Not domestic

    Not sure what this means, but I'd ordered some hgh from China a week ago (pricing was still high, but better than I'd seen elsewhere). I just checked the tracking on UPS, and it shows it got to Ontario late last night, but as of this morning it shows ' Non-customs Government agency hold' still...
  3. insulin_dependant

    Which of these 2 cycles for 1st time?

    Thanks for the heads up Zeek. I'm checking it out right now. Lots o' good things for me to learn!
  4. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    Nice. I found both of those on GWP. How does the combo go... what dose of each 15 min before? Also, I've heard GH works better EOD. Something about matching the natural secretion of Human Growth Hormone, using it every other day for a long period of time (3 months or longer) is where you'll...
  5. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    1st off, big thanks for the feedback. Putting on fat is truly my main worry. Would that be running clen during post cycle therapy (pct) (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off approach), or after post cycle therapy (pct), or both? I'm set to do the following 1st cycle: week 1-10 500mg test ethanate...
  6. insulin_dependant

    To refrigerate or to not?

    Okay. Thanks for the heads up. I just didn't want to ruin them by sticking them in the fridge (or vice-verse) and then finding out later that it's bad to do so.
  7. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    Yah, I'm pretty solid in the legs. Thanks for the validation on the 4 year marker. It's hard to explain the mindset to someone who's never had a weight issue. I've struggled with mine since 6 years old.
  8. insulin_dependant

    To refrigerate or to not?

    Okay, so I understand that anything oil based, like test, should be kept in a dark room-temperature climate... NOT in the fridge. What about the liquids from GWP? I couldn't find and FAQ on their site. I just got Toremifene and Aromisin from them, and am not sure if it matters where I store...
  9. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    Yah, its the last bit that seems the hardest to get rid of. I'm doing a helluva lot better than I was 4 years ago when I was 340, but I can't get complacent or I start to creep back up. I might hit up 3J sooner than later on this, as well.
  10. insulin_dependant

    Which of these 2 cycles for 1st time?

    It's all good. Thanks for keeping me in check :)
  11. insulin_dependant

    Which of these 2 cycles for 1st time?

    Bip, I don't know if trying hard is necessarily a bad thing, but I apologize if I offended anyone by it. I tend to be aggressive in the pursuit my goals. Anyway, I think I'm good to go on a source, so thanks. I'll keep y'alls posted on my progress on this 1st cycle, as I'm sure I'll have tons...
  12. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    Thanks for the caution on the t3. I'm going to hold off on the clen and t3 for a while, and just see how increasing my muscle mass does for me. I'm 6 ft, 211 lbs (working on getting down to 190), and not sure on exact body fat... but with calipers it looks around 16-19%. I look pretty...
  13. insulin_dependant

    Got it. Thanks for all the assistance so far. Really appreciate it.

    Got it. Thanks for all the assistance so far. Really appreciate it.
  14. insulin_dependant

    Which of these 2 cycles for 1st time?

    got it... helluva kool aid mix. Thanks for the tip. I just ordered those both. Now to find some test e. :)
  15. insulin_dependant

    Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT

    ooops, just fixed the t3. It was a typo, should've been 50/50/10/10 for that particular cycle. Okay. Points taken... I'll leave the clen\t3 alone for the time being. I just want to know what the best doses\cycling is to use them should I want to cut. I've had a shot thyroid since 6, which...