Clen on post cycle therapy (pct) vs after PCT


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Clen on PCT vs after PCT

Anyone tried using clen during PCT to retain gains? Supposedly you can eat a lot during PCT using clen to retain gains while not getting fatter. Is there any truth to this?

How much clen would you use for PCT, and for how long... 1 week on 1 week off?

No matter what, I want to go on a clen\t3 cycle after PCT, but was curious how one would do so if you are have runn clen thru PCT, as well?

Would you just take a few weeks break after PCT and then run clen again with t3?
I don't personally like clen, I say do your cycle , eat, eat ,eat. Get big and strong. Let the women and underwear models take the clen. :) . IMO, I would wait a few weeks after pct before trying to cut. If you do it too soon, could lose all your gains.
I would wait till after PCT, or at least until my balls were noticeably coming back.

I'm also not a fan of clen.
Anyone tried using clen during PCT to retain gains? Supposedly you can eat a lot during PCT using clen to retain gains while not getting fatter. Is there any truth to this?

How much clen would you use for PCT, and for how long... 1 week on 1 week off?

No matter what, I want to go on a clen\t3 cycle after PCT, but was curious how one would do so if you are have runn clen thru PCT, as well?

Would you just take a few weeks break after PCT and then run clen again with t3?

do NOT un clen during pct or right afterwards . dieting or using diet aids while you are shut down is a recipe for lean mass / muscle loss.

before anyone comes back with that clen is anticatabolic stuff , that study people use to float that myth was done on cattle and even when the doses were adjusted by weight it was still to much clen for a human to survive.
Thanks for the in-depth explanation. How far after PCT should I wait until doing Clen\T3?

This is one cycle I'm looking at doing for 10 weeks:
clen 80/100/120 - weeks 1-3
T3 50/50/100/100 - weeks 4-7
clen 80/100/120 - weeks 8-10

I've also read about doing 2 weeks clen 2 weeks T3, back and forth for 8 weeks, and even the one from basskiller listed below (which I'm most heavily contemplating doing):

"For men you will need 200 x 40mcg Clenbuterol tabs. 100 x Cytomix Tablets and 100 x 1mg Ketotifen Tabs. (this may last a man longer than the first cycle but this is hard to tell in advance if you have never taken Clenbuterol, as you will discover below).

The Clenbuterol is taken every day, in the morning, from week 1 to week 6.
The Ketotifen is taken everyday, before bed, in weeks 2-6
The T3 Cytomel is taken everyday in weeks 1-3 & 7-9 (giving you 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off, 3 weeks on)"

Any thoughts on which of those works best? Basskiller's explanation seems to be the most in-depth, which leads me to believe he knows what he's talking about.
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so ur planning on running clen/t3 WITHOUT any gear?? not smart bro... and your comment about clen retaining gains is completely wrong, it will strip u of any hard earned gains u made during your cycle...

DO NOT run these two compounds on there own without gear... one other note, i see u want to run t3 at 250mcg??? DON"T! this is very dangerous and can very likely result in permanent thyroid damage
Insulin. Do you compete? If not. Fuck the clen and t3. You're about to cycle. Just up the cardio, diet, and lift hard. The increase in test will help some with burning fat. If you do the cycle right you should see the results you want. Clen and t3 should be used to get that last little bit of fat left, After you've done it the right way with diet and cardio.
ooops, just fixed the t3. It was a typo, should've been 50/50/10/10 for that particular cycle.

Okay. Points taken... I'll leave the clen\t3 alone for the time being. I just want to know what the best doses\cycling is to use them should I want to cut.

I've had a shot thyroid since 6, which totally fucks with my weight. It's been a struggle my whole life, and a pretty big battle just getting down to the weight I'm at. 340 down to 215. I have to be really strict on my diet (eating clean all the time, and counting calories\carbs\protein\fats) just to maintain it, even when working out heavily.

So once I put on some good muscle mass, instead of the so-so muscle mass I currently have, I'm going to see how well I can maintain that weight without my body instantly trying to put fat back on.

ps... here's the post from Basskiller on clen and t3. I thought it was good.

Anyway, I appreciate the fervor of your responses, and thank you for your insight.

ps... here's the link to that outline from Basskiller. Interesting read.
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if u have had a shot thyroid since 6 DO NOT play around with t3! please

when u want to cut do it through cleaning up your diet and increasing cardio sessions... build muscle first, more lean muscle mass helps the bold to burn fat more rapidly, this is fact
what are your currents stats... height, weight, approx bf%

for example if your goal is to be 190lbs at 10% I would suggest u get to 220lbs at 15% first... then be disciplined with diet, training and cardio to get to your goal
Thanks for the caution on the t3. I'm going to hold off on the clen and t3 for a while, and just see how increasing my muscle mass does for me.

I'm 6 ft, 211 lbs (working on getting down to 190), and not sure on exact body fat... but with calipers it looks around 16-19%.

I look pretty decent with a shirt on, but I still have this layer of fat around my gut that I can't seem to get rid of. I eat clean, have been for quite a while now, but even after hitting a round of p90x and following everything religiously I can only get so much of this damn gut to go away.
Yah, its the last bit that seems the hardest to get rid of.

I'm doing a helluva lot better than I was 4 years ago when I was 340, but I can't get complacent or I start to creep back up.

I might hit up 3J sooner than later on this, as well.
Good move on hitting up 3J ... I've used Clen and T3 with success both on and off cycle but by and large most posts here are correct: up the intensity and clean up the diet. And four years may seem like a long time to strip down from 340 lbs but it's not. I was 395 at age 19 and it took a longgggggggggggg time with serious dedication to get all that residual fat gone. Tons of it comes off quickly, then the rest very stubbornly. I maintain it's easier to lose 50 pounds than it is 5 pounds. The good news is I'd bet your legs are strong as hell from toting around your fat ass back then, just like mine were.
Yah, I'm pretty solid in the legs. Thanks for the validation on the 4 year marker. It's hard to explain the mindset to someone who's never had a weight issue. I've struggled with mine since 6 years old.
Yah, I'm pretty solid in the legs. Thanks for the validation on the 4 year marker. It's hard to explain the mindset to someone who's never had a weight issue. I've struggled with mine since 6 years old.

You didn't ask but here's a couple things working in your favor:

1. Strong legs. Pushing heavy weights with the legs unleashes loads of growth hormone. Check out some of Poliquin's writings on that subject.

2. The internet! Back when I was a fat boy there was no internet (Jesus I feel old) and I had to rely on Muscle and Fitness and whatever other magazines I could find. There's lots of folks like us you can lean on.

Most important -- be the best YOU that you can be. Don't look at others (like we tend to do when we're fat) and wish that you could have their body. You are unique. Your DNA is unique. Your physique is unique. Learn about yourself -- what works, what doesn't, journal your foods, skip the scale and take pictures -- and be the best you that you can be. Don't chase someone else's physique. Never works.

Good luck my man.
The catch is this --

Post cycle he will be in a position to gain fat while losing a bit of muscle in order to "keep scale weight." At his current stats, it sounds like he would be prone to slap on fat since the fat cells are already there and created from past years of being over-weight.

Using clen ONLY (not t3) + eating like he was on cycle, perhaps different macros, and stricter, should enable him to process food faster and keep his BMR elevated so he actually might fare well adding some clen + high protein clean calorie diet.

If he does NOT use clen, I would have him maintain high or higher protein intake and be more mindful of carbs and fats as he would be in perfect position to turn into a mushy , softer version of himself at that same weight. I would rather him drop some LBS, and maintain his current BF% instead of accrue more fat.

Of course running clen + peptides + sarm etc....would all be advantageous while eating above maintenance.

1st off, big thanks for the feedback. Putting on fat is truly my main worry.

The catch is this --

Using clen ONLY (not t3) + eating like he was on cycle, perhaps different macros, and stricter, should enable him to process food faster and keep his BMR elevated so he actually might fare well adding some clen + high protein clean calorie diet.

Of course running clen + peptides + sarm etc....would all be advantageous while eating above maintenance.


Would that be running clen during post cycle therapy (pct) (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off approach), or after post cycle therapy (pct), or both? I'm set to do the following 1st cycle:

week 1-10 500mg test ethanate
week 1-16 aromasin 12.5mg ED. (through post cycle therapy (pct))
HCG will start the day after the last test pin, and you will run 500iu ED for 10 days, then start post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days after that.
post cycle therapy (pct), toremfine 120/90/60/30, that's 4 weeks.

I know little about peptides, sarm, etc. I was planning on using HGH oer the next few months, though. My order should be here soon. Would HGH override using those peptides + sarm mentioned?