A lot of guys forget about fiber also, its huge especially for anyone over 30.
It does take a while to get used to the taste that comes a long with adding 30g of fiber a day.
Natural, organic, rarely eat red meat, alkaline foods vs. acidic when its convienent, thats whats worked for me... in...
I wouldn't use it if it was available, personally. I have no problem with frequent injections at this point, however it could be useful for someone that simply cant inject any more than every 10-12 weeks?!
Word is, if its no prescription Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), then its not HCG. Lots of people have been ripped off seeking the non prescription form for dieting purposes.
Happy customer here, look forward to more, as the personal progress just keeps happening. I chose Maximus because I could read his posts on this site, not taking my chances with a random rep behind a phone, he stands behind his company. Thanks Chip!
Your question got me to join, or the negative responses you got,... all to some real simple questions. Not a big poster myself.
I have not used nebido, as its has not been approved for use in the states. Seems to be a lot of UK guys on it though, and most rave about it. One in...
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