Recent content by JarekN2

  1. J

    Help, Increased HGH but lower IGF-1 :(

    Hope someone can help me out here as I am very new to this and I live in Vietnam where finding a good doctor that would actually know this is not easy... I started to take Genotropin (goquick 12mg pens) 9 days ago first thing in the morning with 3IU and moved to 4IU 2 days ago. I am currently...
  2. J

    Help, Increased HGH but lower IGF-1 :(

    Hope someone can help me out here as I am very new to this and I live in Vietnam where finding a good doctor that would actually know this is not easy... I started to take Genotropin (goquick 12mg pens) 9 days ago first thing in the morning with 3IU and moved to 4IU 2 days ago. I am currently...