Recent content by Jesterz623

  1. J

    my beginner cycle good? please help

    If you're determined to kickstart, maybe use prop for 3-4 weeks at 75-100mg eod.
  2. J

    Test prop what the hell - quad is swollen. first cycle

    I've got the same kind of thing going on my first delt injectection with prop. Never had this issue with sust on my first cycle. Hopefully it gets easier with future injects :)
  3. J

    Before and After pics of recent 3J's Nutrition Network Clients

    Glad to keep seeing these success stories.. Today was day1 for my 3js nutrition diet :)
  4. J

    Going into week 4 of test only 500mg/week

    how is your food intake? make sure you're eating to grow!! if you're going to to play ball 2x a week try to get them in on your training days and get yourself a couple days off!
  5. J

    Proper use of HCG

    Oak you've clearly got a lot of knowledge and experience and I've referenced a ton of your contributions in building my understanding of aas and related hormones.. Does the article you cited suggest that there are in fact no risks of long term hcg use? issues I have with the study quoted are...
  6. J

    Proper use of HCG

    Risks from over-use or over-dosage of HCG By Daniel Gwartney, M.D.
  7. J

    Usps pink slip

    I guess this is just a risk of going Intl. I would go pick it up every time.. Better chance ur gear is at the post office than a seizure letter!
  8. J

    No love for Test P?

    I chose to use prop for my upcoming cycle because of timing and wanting to shorten the total cycle length(including post cycle therapy (pct)). I'm traveling and don't want to have to take gear with me.. Using prop lets me be on for an extra week and a half and still be finished with post cycle...
  9. J

    Pinnacle Labs Tbol review. With pics!

    Before pic is just before adding tbol?
  10. J

    My gyno surgery

    24 hour photos quite a bit of swelling and bruising, but looks to be coming along nicely :)
  11. J

    Anavar vs. Winstrol

    agreed. I'm still new around here, but take it from the vets-- I've ready nothing positive about winstrol for anybody but competitive bodybuilders.
  12. J

    My gyno surgery

    Thanks, friend. I was self-conscious all through high school and haven't been comfortable at a pool or beach since middle school! This is something I've saved up for and knew I wanted to take care of once I lost the weight I gained after college and got myself back into shape. It was honestly my...
  13. J

    My gyno surgery

    Pics coming tonight.. I had a not-insignificant lump of breast tissue on both sides...think the size of a child's fist. He cut that out thru 1-inch incisions along the bottom of my areolas. The doctor used lypo for the best-looking result, and he pulled out what fat tissue he could thru the...
  14. J

    My gyno surgery

    Surgery complete So I just starting to feel normal here as the general anesthesia is wearing off. My procedure removed breast tissue from both sides and some light lypo to shape my chest. I've some soreness and I can't left my arms very far without some pain, but it all seems quite manageable...
  15. J

    Chocolate milk post workout

    What do you guys think of using chocolate milk post workout. I've read on one hand that it's the perfect ratio of 4:1 carbs to protein. On the other hand I've read that it's really too sugary to be used regularly on a cutting diet. Thoughts?