Do you have any idea If this will actually work for me in all of your studies? And as well growing taller, do you think I could also make good muscle gains if I cycled HGH with IGF -1 at the same time? I know that these two somewhat 'steroids' are a lot safer to use and work in a different way to other ones like 'test e' and 'dbol' which is why I will not use those ones until I am about 25 years old to let my body do its thing and complete its growing.
And last but not least should I first do a plain HGH cycle, and for my second one include both HGH and IGF-1?
Thank you so much for reading I have tried to make what I have typed as clear as I can with my limited knowledge, if anyone has experience with these two steroids it would be awesome to get a reply
And last but not least should I first do a plain HGH cycle, and for my second one include both HGH and IGF-1?
Thank you so much for reading I have tried to make what I have typed as clear as I can with my limited knowledge, if anyone has experience with these two steroids it would be awesome to get a reply