Recent content by Lefty43219

  1. L

    Newbie!! Need Help!

    Haha dj2dirk41. Your a nice guy just need to learn how to relax. Lol
  2. L

    Roids Becoming Legal?

    I agree with papa buff. Not in our life time.
  3. L

    Zin labs?

    Anyone ever heard of zin labs?
  4. L

    How long will tren a stay in your system

    Lets just say its for a federal job
  5. L

    How long will tren a stay in your system

    Started running my first cycle of test e and tren a about two weeks ago and just found out I may have a piss test coming soon. My question is how long will it be detectable if i have only been cycling for two weeks. Been running test e 500mgs per week and 75mgs eod of tren.