Newbie!! Need Help!


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Hey guys, I'm 20 years old, 5'9 and 164. I currently bought 100 dbol pills and plan on taking them starting January. I have some questions though. I heard I should start taking 2 a day, and then move on to 3. They say my body will ask me for more. Also, I know that oral only cycles aren't good. But I wonder if taking them by themselves would do any effect both good or bad. I would like to know how many I should take a day and for how long I should be taking them. Also, any liver helping pills that I can take with it to help my liver? Any responses will be appreciated. Thanks!!
bro first of all, no one will recommend an oral only cycle. Its going to shut you down real bad if you don't have a test base. Plus if you take oral only, you'll be really impressed while you're taking the pill. But upon getting off the cycle, you'll lose all that gain. There's just so much wrong in your overall stats.

1.) You're way too young. Wait unitl you're atleast 26. When i say you're young, don't get impatient, infact be glad since you're test level is already at its peak to give you your desired results

2.) Oral only cycle will do NO good, just harm to your liver and overall natural test level.

3.) No cycle should be done without a PCT, let alone an oral only cycle bro.
Honestly, i would recommend getting a proper diet for the time being. That will give you far more "lasting" results, than the temporary pill. If you're spending money, you might as well look into 3J's nutrition plan. Trust me, that will help you a lot more.
Thanks for the responses guys. And do you think that for just one cycle I need post cycle therapy (pct)? Also, it can shut down my testosterone levels for the time I'm on the cycle? Or for the rest of my life?
bro you always need a post cycle therapy (pct) with a cycel. And honestly in your age, it could lead to very long term side effects. And trust me I'm not just bs-ing, I'm in medical school, and I am amidst my cycle myself. I started dbol for a week and bro i put on 10 lbs in a week but felt like shit. i quit right away and i did my blood test and i was hell low on test level. Trust me bro, everyone will help you out here, just listen to them.

Listen to me and drop this idea, or you'll be back here after your cycle regretting your action. Do diet for now with 3J. And in a few years, start with a test only cycle
Just like sibtain05 stated, it's not worth putting your future health in jeopardy. Oral only cycles can affect your test levels even if proper pct is done. You are very young, and it's better to take advantage of your own hormones right now.

With a dedicated diet at your age, you could pack on some serious mass.
Kids not going to listen .. Bro you got so much natrul test running through your body if you just ate right you would be astonished . But you won't . No oral cycles only , how manny times do these guys haft to tell you that ...
Bro you know this you said it yourself but your still asking questions about it .. 20 is to young but if you must test only bro . And make sure you have your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand as well as your pct . Ad if you don't know what those are LOOK IT UP under new be . It's not rocket science . Good luck .
dont be a bitch if you cant inject dont waist your time. i wouldnt say its a bad idea for you to take a cycle if you are mentally ready i took a cycle of ph when i was 17 not the best idea but mentally i was ready i continued to work my ass off for years till now when im going to do a real cycle. it really can do amazing things but if your doing this to get big work out for 6 months to a year and quit your going to regret it you'll have bitch tits and acne up the ass that was all unnecessary just for a few months of feeling big
dont be a bitch if you cant inject dont waist your time. i wouldnt say its a bad idea for you to take a cycle if you are mentally ready i took a cycle of ph when i was 17 not the best idea but mentally i was ready i continued to work my ass off for years till now when im going to do a real cycle. it really can do amazing things but if your doing this to get big work out for 6 months to a year and quit your going to regret it you'll have bitch tits and acne up the ass that was all unnecessary just for a few months of feeling big

Language please :) All that you said could have been said without the use of profanity.