Recent content by lookin

  1. L

    Axio Sustaplex 325

    I've used their sustaplex before. It was good, not great, but it did the trick. I didn't really experience any major pains after each injection. Their labels used to be white, but last I saw they are now green and they are still a very good lab. I just think they're having a few issues right...
  2. L

    Anavar experiences!

    I took ana Anavar (var) for about 5 weeks. I started with 30mg daily and worked my way up to 60mg daily. I started slow because I had never taken Anavar (var) before, but if I could do it again I would probably run 60mg all the way through because of how mild it was in terms of side...
  3. L

    what is the best/easiest country to get AAS?

    You could just go to Mexico, but I would be very weary of quality
  4. L

    Diamond Pharma cut stack

    Never tried it, but I think it's brand new. I thought it was something like 50mg test prop, 50 mg tren ace, and 50mg masteron...or similar to that.
  5. L

    Do 10 mg pink thai dbol exist?

    Mine were not BD, at least their was no BD on them. However, when I used those dbols, that was two and a half years ago. A lot of has obviously happened since then.
  6. L

    Broken Amps

    I agree with g1234. I wouldn't take the risk, unless maybe you're a professional BB, and your life, income, and the ability to support your family are in jeopardy....but outside of that scenario, I say no.
  7. L

    Do 10 mg pink thai dbol exist?

    My first time with steroids were pink thais. They were 10 mg, shaped like a hexagon, with a line down one side of the tab...and of course, they were pink
  8. L

    Anavar Results

    I obviously forgot to mention that I will be taking test with it. From what I'm getting, I think I will start with 40mg daily and see how that goes for about a week to two weeks, and then bump it up to 50mg daily if need be.
  9. L

    Sustanon 250

    It's hard to give advice on what you can/could/should stack with it if we don't know what you're trying to acheive. Are you going for bulk, cutting, lean mass?
  10. L

    Anavar Results

    I will be giving anavar a try in the near future. I'm going to take it mostly because of it's ability to give large stregth gains and it's short detection time (I am a college athlete). I'm also interested in it's cutting abilities (especially in the mid section) and seeing if it can help...
  11. L

    25g pin question

    I've used 22, 23, and 25 for injection, and 23 is probably the best all around for any muscle. 22 tends to be a little painful and 25 takes to long to inject IMO. I draw with 18
  12. L

    Steroid Narc For Nfl Dead

    Snitches Get Stitches :whipping::axe::shoot7::shoot5:
  13. L

    Where to buy it?

    Yeah!!! In before the ban!
  14. L

    Anyone use DNP lately?

    This happened Operation Raw Deal
  15. L

    U.S. Shutting Down Foreign Lab?

    Being in this game for a few years, I've come across quite a few people who have different ways of getting their gear. One constant thing that I seem to notice is many people (at least ones I've come across) are constantly paranoid about losing their source. It may just be because times are...