Recent content by LucaBrazi

  1. L

    Lionheart Brand

    Due to a recent bout of stupidity, I started cycles of Lionheart VNS-9 extreme (which i think has Methyl 17 as it's active ingredient) and TT-50 (which i think uses Androsta) without really knowing what kind of effects they could have. I'm on my sixth week of taking them and I've put on about...
  2. L

    Need some quick advice

    Just an update, I ended up just taking my novedex with me. So I guess I'll take that until I get back on Sunday and continute the cycle. Thanks for the help though, guys.
  3. L

    Need some quick advice

    I'm about to leave to go to Mexico for a week (tomorrow at 9 a.m). I'm in the middle of a cycle. Do you guys think I should risk transporting a few syringes and my test in my luggage? Or should I go ahead and run nova for a week and take off where I left off? I wasn't sure how tough security...
  4. L

    bad injection!!

    Fuck injecting in the quads! I'll never do it again either. I had a girl i know inject into my delts for me on saturday and I have had no problems. My right quad is still sore from when i inected last tuesday.
  5. L

    bad injection!!

    I did the same thing this week. I was coming on here to start a thread just like yours. My right quad hurts bad enough that I can't do legs (which is driving me absolutely fucking insane). I'm about to inject into my delt as I'm not real confident I can hit my glutes well enough. I hope I...
  6. L

    Injecting Vitamin B12

    I've never injected it, but I usually take a B12 pill every morning..... I've never noticed it to do anything for me. I still take it anyway though.
  7. L

    Just Nolvadex?

    Never trust a doctor with stupid facial hair.
  8. L

    Discontinuing deca?

    I was told the deca would help me with my recovery and with general soreness. I played 5 years of rugby in college and it beat up my body a little bit. Anytime I go heavy, something always ends up hurting or clicks weird for a while. I think I'm gonna up the Test though. Everything I've read...
  9. L

    Discontinuing deca?

    I'm running the test at 250mg per week and the deca at 250mg per week. I'm debating whether or not I should up the amount of Test I am taking. I inject the test twice a week. Maybe I need to look at the vials again once I get home, but I'm 99.9%sure that every vial is 250 mg. (I havn't even...
  10. L

    Discontinuing deca?

    I have 10 vials of Test propate 250mg (couldn't get test E like i intended to) and 1500mg vial of Deca. I got this a while back, and most of the advice i got on here was that I should run Test by itself and not mess with the Deca so that i would be able to know what was causing any side effects...
  11. L

    Should I use an anti-estrogen the whole time?

    I'm not sure that this would matter, but I am mosly interested in increasing vascularity (I'll continue my cutting diet while on my cycle). That is also another reason I am hesitant to to go on a much higher dosage.
  12. L

    Should I use an anti-estrogen the whole time?

    I'm 24, 6' 248lbs at 17% bodyfat. I posted on here a month ago and was advised to drop my bf ( I was at 265 w/ 20% bodyfat ). I initally wanted to run just straight EQ for my first cycle, but my source ( a guy whose opinion i really trust) told me i should run Test E and Deca at fairly low...
  13. L

    Should I use an anti-estrogen the whole time?

    I'm about to start my first ( I'm going to run 250mg of Test E as well as 250 mg of Deca) 10 week cycle. I was planning on running nolva as my post cycle therapy (pct), but I was curious as to whether or not I should use it during my cycle as an anti-estrogen. Since I've never used gear before...
  14. L

    Meal schedules

    I always eat a slow digesting protein source ( Cottage cheese) right before bed. It helps to keep your metabolism up as you sleep. A lot of people even get up in the middle of the night to drink a quick protein shake.
  15. L

    one peice of slamon sushi

    I wish we had a sushi buffet in my town. We have 3 sushi places in my city, and none of them have buffets. I would destroy a sushi buffet.