Recent content by Mad- scientist

  1. Mad- scientist

    Any of the old crew still around ?

    Hey man I haven’t logged in forever I just happened to decide to scroll through the site randomly and saw your post today. I hope your doing good dude, it’s insane how much the world has changed since the days we were posting non stop in here!
  2. Mad- scientist

    Question: too old for tren???

    I think the older you get the more risky it is to take super physiological dosages of steroids to begin with, and tren is known to be one of the worst when it comes to effecting health. Some people with great genetics who have lived healthy lifes could probably run tren in their late 40's and...
  3. Mad- scientist

    I tried to let me testosterone come back naturally after 3 years of cycling

    I quit TRT after being on for 3 years straight with levels averaging about 1000ng/dl and recovered to levels of about 550ng/dl. It's really hard to mentally guess if you are recovered or not you need to get blood work. I also went and saw a doctor and got real pharmacutical Clomid, and also used...
  4. Mad- scientist

    can I ever become normal again or is it over for me?!

    First off if you stop working out and stop living a fitness oriented life style your chances of recovering your testosterone levels are extremely low. You need to get back in the gym and just do normal work outs and eat a healthy diet. You don't need to start dieting like a bodybuilder or...
  5. Mad- scientist

    Front loading long esters

    I think front loading is a bad idea it can make any negative side effect way worse.
  6. Mad- scientist

    F it here is my truth and do I have a chance of natural test coming back

    I just recovered my testosterone levels to 513ng/dl after 3 years of being on TRT. I know how you feel man and how much it sucks to be stuck on steroids and regret the decision. Run some clomid and nolva, make sure to not drink or do drugs, eat healthy, and sleep 8 hours a night. I clearly...
  7. Mad- scientist

    Risk of infection from top vendors

    You dont want TRT controlling your life get a legal script. Also ordering testosterone may seem like no big deal when we talk about it on here but it has some serious consequences if you get caught, there for I would get on legal TRT asap. Think about how much it would suck to get a felony for...
  8. Mad- scientist

    Adderall and

    With out a doubt using aderal and steroids together is a bad idea. I'm sure the pro bodybuilders use a lot worse shit but most those guys seem to be able to handle way more drugs before they get side effects. At the end of the day steroids and any form of speed combined is really dangerous and...
  9. Mad- scientist

    Back On TRT After 2 Years!

    I would choose 485 natural levels over 1000ng/dl on trt any day. If you need TRT it is worth it but I would say anything over 400 is completely fine for the normal person, I even say that after being at 1000 for 4 years straight. Trt can be great if you need it but it's not worth going on pre...
  10. Mad- scientist

    Steroids caused me permanent anxiety/depression + feeling detached from reality..

    Some people are genetically predispositioned to mental issues like generalized anxiety disorder and the hormone fluctuations from heavy cycles could potentially be the straw that breaks the camels back. It sounds like you are having panic attacks at night I would recommend going to a doctor or...
  11. Mad- scientist

    testosterone C want to switch from 200mg to 400mg per week

    What were your testosterone levels before seeing this new trt doctor? Did this new dr take just one test an put you on TRT or check your levels twice? What I'm getting at is are you sure you had low testosterone because while the high 200's is extremely low if you were sleeping horribly and had...
  12. Mad- scientist

    Anyone take time of TRT and felt it was beneficial when they got back on?

    If your HCT got extremely high going down to the bare minimum dosage can be helpful. Going off TRT completely wont give you some big increase in how your body uses testosterone when you get back on. I think if someone is constantly on the upper end of TRT like 1200 it might be beneficial to go...
  13. Mad- scientist

    Ways to increase appetite/hunger ?

    Ghrelin--peptide hormone.......... look into that.
  14. Mad- scientist

    Off to Thailand in February for 3 Months... Gear Nirvana?

    I've always thought about moving to Thai land. Is the internet down there okay lol hahaha? Is it as cheap to live down there as people claim. Does it get boring quick down there? I've been thinking about moving to vegas or thai land both seem pretty fun.
  15. Mad- scientist

    2000mg every week @ 19 years old. what can I expect? (srs)

    Using steroids at 19 is obviously a bad idea. Using 2000mgs of testosterone for a 4 to 6 week cycle wouldnt even be long enough to reap the full benefits. If you plan on taking steroids in the future I advise not starting with a gigantic dosage of 2000mgs. You need to learn all the basics about...