Recent content by massman2000

  1. M

    Serious help needed! to recover from cycle

    To answer the questions: 1) It was just a stupid decision in entirety to not use post cycle therapy (pct). I mean I was planning on it and even did the research and had the protocol all figured out, but when it came time to do it I just didnt care soo much and didnt think the consequences would...
  2. M

    Serious help needed! to recover from cycle

    Ok so I came off a 7 month 750 mg/ml cycle over a month ago with no post cycle therapy (pct). Please dont give me hate because I know im a f***ing dumb idiot. I dont need anyone to flame me for not doing PCT because TRUST me I know i made a stupid decision. I need help. Im 23, another stupid...
  3. M

    Couple peices of dirt in vial..need advice!

    Hell i dont even know if it is dirt. Its a fragment or a half an atom of something that can onlybe visible when holding the vial up to a bright light. I know the logical thing to do would be to take an hour out of my day and filter it into syringes then into a new vial but im sure bros have...
  4. M

    Couple peices of dirt in vial..need advice!

    i noticed two tiny little peices of seems like dirt floating around in my vial after transfering from satchets. Should I order some filters and try to filter them out or will is it not that big of a deal? I do not mind filtering to make sure the gear is sterile but do not want to go through...
  5. M

    Test Cyp/Var cycle question

    Currently running 500 mg/wk test cyp with 40 mg/ed Anavar (var). I am about 4 weeks in and seeing good results but had a question regarding what to do from here on out. My original goal was to maintain muscle while droping a few bf%. However, with a good diet I am seeing substantial gains...
  6. M

    Quick Question

    Is there any absorbtion rate for putting the tren pellets in your mouth oraly. Crushin em up and puttin them under your tounge...someone told me it was like a 20% absorbtion rate. Also is hcg illegal to buy or what?
  7. M

    Plain White Grits instead of Oatmeal?

    someones gotta know the answer its simplistic
  8. M

    Plain White Grits instead of Oatmeal?

    Is it alright to substitute plain grits for oatmeal for the morning and/or PWO meal for carb intake?
  9. M

    Tren not working!!!

    Advice anyone?...anyone?
  10. M

    Tren not working!!!

    Well I started with the .45 and when that went to shit I switched to the .22 for the last 5-10 mls. This was all after I ran it through the coffee filter
  11. M

    Tren not working!!!

    I forgot to mention that the tren is yellowish orange colored but clear as a shit. I used a 4g kit from researchology. could my tren have gotten caught in the sludge from the coffee filter or evaporated away somehow. It wasnt even that much "gunk" (not compared to what I remembered it being)
  12. M

    Tren not working!!!

    I made some tren from a compenent t-h belt a week and 1/2 ago and I cant feel shit. Its just not working. Are some people immune to Tren or somethin. I followed the instructions 1)mixed crushed pellets in solution(researchology's) 2)added oil and put on low heat in a fryin pan for 15...
  13. M

    Need Help!!!!

    Need help!!! This is my pic taken this summer. I am currently 6 ft 195 lbs 20 years old. I ran 3 miles everyday this summer and continue to do so at least 4 days a week. Ive been working out all my life and have come a long way but still have so far to go. I have been 200 pounds since the...
  14. M

    Finaplix conversion! Help!

    Ok thanks for your guys feedback. I cant throw it away it looks too damn good plus my broke ass cant afford anymore. I think i can figure it out. If you say the belt is 4 g of tren, then the cartridge must be 2 g. SO, 2000mg of tren in about 25 ml of oil.(Im assuming the .4g kit comes with...
  15. M

    Finaplix conversion! Help!

    I just got through converting my fina. I had a couple of questions for everyone. My source was only able to send me 1 cartridge (100 pellets). I said what the hell and just made my tren with that; but I only used half the oil that gave me. Is there any math wiz out there...