Recent content by MAXCURLS

  1. M

    I need help with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections

    That seems like a good dose like destroyer said but I would pick up some letro just in case of estrogen sides. Letro is cheap and you can knock down those estrogen numbers if your Armidex does not do the trick.
  2. M

    My quest to avoid TRT.

    You might want to run your letro with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) instead of the clomid
  3. M

    How Bad Are Quad Injections?

    Best injection video I have seen
  4. M

    help choosing a cycle for fatboy

    I would email 3J and ask him about excessive skin he works with alot of weight loss clients and may have some helpful information. You are still at a fairly high percentage of body fat from the pictures. (great job dropping weight) If you are still naturally loosing weight why cycle now you...
  5. M

    help choosing a cycle for fatboy

    Are you trying to bulk then cut, recomp, or just cut down to 8-9% body fat? You need to pick one for a short 12 week cycle. "i do believe i can get down to 9-8% bf" "or decca to bulk up"
  6. M

    Wtf i gained 5 lbs!???

    yes, 200mg cyp seems like alot at your weight but everyone is different. Are you holding water?
  7. M

    HGH and Stallone

    He just needs to stay out of Australia
  8. M

    silva vs bonnar

    Bonnar is out of his league
  9. M

    How to get rid of PIP once you have it

    Inject in the muscle you are going to work that day helps, until your muscle gets acclimated to it. Alot of injection pain comes from technique and virgin muscles. It will go away in a few days.
  10. M

    Rollercoaster SALE is here AGAIN! Get in here now and start SAVING!

    Waiting for the coaster to go back up the hill then I am going to pull the trigger.
  11. M

    What happens why you do 2 or 3 cycles, and never cycle again?

    It will be the best 50 bucks you spend if you run into low test or other problems later. I would love to have my base line before taking anything.
  12. M

    What happens why you do 2 or 3 cycles, and never cycle again?

    Depends on your training and diet. If you eat to maintain the weight and keep lifting then you will be able to keep the gains. If you gain alot of muscle way outside your genetic potential it will be hard to keep all of those gains. If you do one longer cycle a year for three years you will...