Recent content by mdscott

  1. M

    Trying to reach IMT --------------------------------

    Whatever the excuse, business is business. You don't just ignore your customers. All I want is a response. Send product, refund money or give a reason, that is all I am asking for. I did not want to use this website as a way to settle my problem, but nothing else has worked.
  2. M

    Trying to reach IMT --------------------------------

    I got tired of waiting on order and asked for refund. Have been completely ignored since then
  3. M

    Trying to reach IMT --------------------------------

    I have called IMT number, his personal number and left messages. I hope something hasn't happened, but have become very frustrated with this.
  4. M

    Trying to reach IMT --------------------------------

    Does anyone know how to reach Todd at IMT. I am not having any luck.
  5. M

    Age you started Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

    59 I must be the old man in the crowd. test level 311
  6. M

    IMT Has Anyone Used Increase My T

    My wife and I both use them and are very satisfied.
  7. M

    RUI liquid cialis...................

    got mine from RUI works great
  8. M

    unexplained weight gain???????????????????

    I am on 200 a week. I will eat anything I can get my hands on. Taking a lot of effort to turn food away.
  9. M

    unexplained weight gain???????????????????

    Thanks. Trying to figure out about weight. Est seems to be ok. couple of weeks before labs. may need to do sooner
  10. M

    unexplained weight gain???????????????????

    Did anyone who has started TRT have an unusual weight gain after a few weeks. I guess my weight gain is not unexplained, I feel like I could eat everything in sight. Is this normal?
  11. M

    Cialis: The amazing drug and all its benefits - For On or Off cycle use.

    Du I need to store my liquid Cialis at room temp or in refrigerator? Thanks
  12. M

    shelflife for HCG----------------

    Thanks Dan, I like the idea of freezing it . I think I will do that with my next batch.
  13. M

    shelflife for HCG----------------

    Does anyone know what the shelflife for HCG is after it has been diluted? It is stored in refrigerator. Thanks