Recent content by Medhead

  1. Medhead

    ADVICE NEEDED: First Cycle With a Bang

    This, but you will also need to get bloods before cycle in order to compare to post cycle. If you don't you won't have any baseline natty test level to compare to.
  2. Medhead

    Stickies are a little dated. Feedback on first cycle. Test E and EQ

    People on here always spit out the "test only for first cycle" line, but personally if I could repeat my first cycle I wouldn't follow that bullshit (and I did run test at 500). Running a trt-cruise dose test and another compound is fine, and possibly better depending on your goals. Running a...
  3. Medhead

    3J- Who's never used his service and wants to?

    I'd love to take advantage of 3J's service. It's not a feasible option for me financially so it'd be a blessing if such a donation was given. I know there are more active members that have been around longer so I can't complain if I'm not chosen lol.
  4. Medhead

    Are You Really Hungry? IncreaseMyT Blog

    I can relate to this post big time. I injured my shoulder 7 weeks ago and have been eating like shit constantly. I gained 10 pounds in six weeks with no lifting. At first I didn't care, but now it's been so long and my shoulder still hasn't improved much at all, I obviously have to change...
  5. Medhead

    Thrid Cycle, Test Cyp, Deca, and Tren Acetate Suggestions??

    I agree. And some don't even need that much. I remember when I did my only pct I jump started with 100mg Clomid and my testes swelled up and hurt like a motherfucker. I mean like 1.5x their normal "full" size. And when I say it hurt down there, I mean it hurt so bad I was bedridden in a fetal...
  6. Medhead

    Stopping sever steroid related acne/ steroids that do not cause acne

    I've tried all the topicals and a couple antibiotics. The last one (Bactrim) fucked me up real bad. Still recovering from it actually. So many weird/fucked up symptoms that I won't even go into. About to (hopefully) start Accutane as I've broken out pretty bad since stopping the antibiotic. I...
  7. Medhead

    Bulk into Cut Cycle Thoughts

    Great video for noobies that touches on basic concepts of how "recomping" can be accomplished.
  8. Medhead

    end of trt in the ufc....

    Fucking disgraceful. This is straight up discrimination. "We believe our athletes should compete based on their natural abilities and on an even playing field"; hmm, well I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism before age 20 without ever touching AAS. I see where Dana is coming from, but his...
  9. Medhead

    How do you guys handle Bicep tendonitis?

    Are you sure it's not a minor bicep tear? What you're describing sounds a lot like a tear I had where the bicep attaches to the front of the shoulder. It never hurt while the muscle was being worked/stressed, but would tighten up and hurt while at rest. If you haven't, get an ultrasound from a...
  10. Medhead

    Post up YOUR opinion & experience with Glucosamine + Chondroitin

    I first started using this supplement combo after an injury caused Costochondritis. I strongly believe it helped in the recovery process, since I fully recovered in about a month and a half when I've heard it can take over a year to recover from. About two months ago I started supplementing...
  11. Medhead

    First time cutting, diet critique/suggestions wanted!

    I too prefer dropping the calories a little more than 500 below maintenance just so the process is faster. I have no problem maintaining strength on such a deficit so I don't see a problem with it. With this shit it all comes down to listening to your body imo. For me, I see better results, have...
  12. Medhead

    Peanut butter addiction!!!!

    I hear you dude. My diet is usually high carb, with my last meal being the only the only one containing significant direct sources of fat. Now, I too get that PB craving just about every night. Since I don't like to stuff myself right before bed, I lighten the load by eating celery with that PB...
  13. Medhead

    My Cutting Cycle....just getting prepped for summer

    Not going to comment on your cycle, but what you described is not frontloading. Frontloading is used to achieve and maintain stable blood levels of compounds as quick as possible by injecting enough of the compounds on day 1.