Recent content by Mike Arnold

  1. M

    P.S.L. M1T equals awesome results in short time!

    Generally speaking, it is the harshest oral AAS (even more than SD) in terms of both side effects and toxicity, but also the strongest. Of course, it can be used safely (all orals can be if administered responsibly), but 20 mg/day is about the highest you want to go...30 mg/day at the absolute...
  2. M

    P.S.L. M1T equals awesome results in short time!

    Then it sure as heck isn't M1T. I couldn't even imagine taking 100 mg/day. hat's WAY, WAY beyond overkill...and dangerous too. Your liver would be absolutely trashed. Actually, you would probably become so ill you would end up being hospitalized...if you ran that dose for any significant...
  3. M

    Sd-10 What can I expect from it.

    SD ia 10X as effective as any SARM. Many guys have run it an feel fine. I have never heard of "nausea" as a potential side effect. If you want to gte big, you need to use steroids...and SD will certainly get the job done. Of course, you don't want to abuse the drug, but used responsibly it...
  4. M

    Super DMZ Rx 2.0..Erection problems

    If you want to do what's best for you, then you should begin doing some basic research on AAS. Learn what steroids are and how they effect the various systems of the body. Of particular importance to most beginners, when using oral steroids, is their effects on the liver and the HPTA. Oral...
  5. M

    Super DMZ Rx 2.0..Erection problems

    I've read all the available research I can find on it going back to the 60's, including the original research by its creators, as well research conducted by the pharmacuetical companies which produced the drug for human use in Italy and Mexico. No clinical research has been done on the drug for...
  6. M

    Super DMZ Rx 2.0..Erection problems

    LOL...coming from the guy who has no idea what in the fuck he is using. I have a suggestion for you---try asking question BEFORE you put drugs in your body. It's people like you that fuck this shit up for all of us. If you were smart, you would take everything I wrote in the prior post heart...
  7. M

    anything similar to superdrol?

    Dimethazine is most similar to SD. In fact, it is almost identical. Dimethazine is nothing more than 2 SD molecules attached together with an azine bond. When this bond is broken post-ingestion, at least one of the molecules is released into the bloodstream as free Superdrol, while the othr...
  8. M

    Super DMZ Rx 2.0..Erection problems

    Where did you get that information? Dimethazine is not a progestin and does not elevate prolactin levels. This steroid does NOT cause sexual dysfunction. If the OP is experiencing this problem, it is because of low testosterone levels, NOT because of Supr DMZ 2.0. DMZ 2.0 contains...
  9. M

    Bostin loyd "mini cycle"

    Clen for 16 weeks straight? I guess he never heard of receptor downregulation, which happens after only a couple weeks with clen and quickly gets worse from there. 2 grams of gear for a 1st cycle? I wouldn't exactly call that a "mini" cycle...LOL. Plenty of pro BB'rs have built their mass...
  10. M

    Beastdrol question for the pros???

    It's oral steroid...there is plenty of information all over the Net on literally every aspect of the drug.
  11. M

    Prolonged steroid use and the heart

    The statement "steroids can kill you" used to be scoffed at by BB'rs as nothing more than propaganda. While those making the claim were largely ignorant regarding the true dangers of AAS in athletes, as it turns out, they were right. While TRT may be safe and even beneficial for cardiovascular...
  12. M

    Girlfriend and her ultimatum she gave me! Flushed my gear!!! (Long)

    This is quite unusual, I have to say. Good for you.
  13. M

    1-testosterone cyp(dihydroboldenone)

    Great steroid. In terms of effects, I would describe it as a super primo...or a slightly weaker, low side effect tren. I love this drug--one of my absolute favorites. It can be used with anything, for any reason, either off-season or pre-contest...and it is effective in all circumstances...
  14. M

    Anyone tried Superdrol from AML?

    No need for an apology, bro. Lots of people have said what you have so the mistake is understandable. It should also be said that a couple of the steroids which have been released over the last 10 or so years HAVE been considerably toxic (at least in comparison to traditional orals). M1T is...