P.S.L. M1T equals awesome results in short time!

you guys are making me tempted now... : /
orals usually kill my hunger sometimes and one of reasons i avoid them.
have you guys had big hunger issues?
I have never tried it to be honest and iv tried most aas.

wonder how this would go with even just my hrt , toss in a run of it maybe.
no mental sides like tren?

less harsh than superdrol (methyl-mast)??
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you guys are making me tempted now... : /
orals usually kill my hunger sometimes and one of reasons i avoid them.
have you guys had big hunger issues?
I have never tried it to be honest and iv tried most aas.

wonder how this would go with even just my hrt , toss in a run of it maybe.
no mental sides like tren?

less harsh than superdrol (methyl-mast)??

It's had a major effect on my appetite as in I'm a eating machine now. I've experienced zero negatives on it.

No sides like tren. But I'm leaning out like I do on tren.

I couldn't compare it to superdrol since I've never tried it.
I must be doing something wrong but I never noticed a thing when taking M1T. I kept ramping it up until I gave up...something stupid like 100/day. I ended up going back to anadrol. Now that stuff I love.

Then it sure as heck isn't M1T. I couldn't even imagine taking 100 mg/day. hat's WAY, WAY beyond overkill...and dangerous too. Your liver would be absolutely trashed. Actually, you would probably become so ill you would end up being hospitalized...if you ran that dose for any significant period of time.

Anyone who takes just 20 mg of "real" M1T notices dramatic results. Even if the person using it is a very advanced bodybuilder (say a pro) and didn't gain a single pound of actual muscle fiber, they would still gain a tremendous amount of muscle fullness from it, leading to substantial weight gain and a definite change in appearance.
you guys are making me tempted now... : /
orals usually kill my hunger sometimes and one of reasons i avoid them.
have you guys had big hunger issues?
I have never tried it to be honest and iv tried most aas.

wonder how this would go with even just my hrt , toss in a run of it maybe.
no mental sides like tren?

less harsh than superdrol (methyl-mast)??

Generally speaking, it is the harshest oral AAS (even more than SD) in terms of both side effects and toxicity, but also the strongest. Of course, it can be used safely (all orals can be if administered responsibly), but 20 mg/day is about the highest you want to go...30 mg/day at the absolute most, and limit cycles to about 20-30 days. Results are rapid, so you won't need to use it for longer.
From what I have heard it is very hepatoxic, so a large dose of NAC and TUDCA / UDCA is really a must when running this stuff.