Recent content by MiniMike

  1. M

    Northwestern Girls Soccer Hazing

    Anyone know where to get the pictures of the NU girls soccer hazing? I saw a few of them on tv and they looked pretty racy. Aparently they were on webshots...but not anymore Anyone know?
  2. M

    Anyone taken EYC w/ Welbutrin?

    I'm on welbutrin and i was thinking about taking an EYC stack. Ive taken ECA before while on my head case pills and there were no problems, but Ive read yohimbine is an MAOI. Has anyone taken the two together, or know if there would be bad side effects?
  3. M

    Girlfriend gained weight...

    Aright, I'm not tryng to be an asshole... but my gf of a few years gained 35 lbs. She used to be this hot little piece of ass, but now things are differant. I mean, I still love her, but how do I get her to get to the gym and eat right. Worst part is we are apart at school now so I cant invite...
  4. M

    X-mas cycle, please help.

    I am 21, have no cycle experience (except for Winstrol (winny) 50 mg ed for 6 weeks), 6'1", 280 lbs, propably would be 230 solid. I have 6 years heavy training. I'm looking for some quality muscle gains that are retainable, then afterwards I'm going to try to cut up. However, I have several...
  5. M

    Should I?

    if this is the case, and nolva doesnt effect your gains, why wouldnt you run it through your whole cycle?
  6. M

    DUMB F*CKING KIDS! Please help the young and stupid.

    Ok, I have been a member of this board for a wile now, had another name before this one. I've been doing alot of research for myself and have learned alot of the basics. Well the other day I was talking to this kid down the hall (dorm rooms at college), and he said he was taking anadrol50 and...