Recent content by muddy

  1. muddy

    rotated shoulders = no chest workout

    I'm into my 30's now and I suffer from severe bicep tendonitis where my shoulders and chest tie in. I can no longer shoulder press or bench press. Its all about adapting and overcoming. More than likely my injuries are due to a couple of cycles I did in my late 20's. My strength grew more...
  2. muddy

    Sugar-free jello??

    The sugar free/fat free pudding mixes great with protein. Its an alternative to paying top deneros for the instone stuff.
  3. muddy

    HW GP04 thoughts

    I think the first thing that comes to mind is that Hammer House is once again a team to be reckoned with. Coleman really pushed Fedor for a while and Randleman took out Crocop! They both also had Chuck Liddel with them too. I'm picking Fedor to take it. What about yall?
  4. muddy

    Looking for some good MA boards.......

    Ironlife is really good. Usually around a ppv event, good things are said here too. Sherdog is o.k., but better reserved for boxing. The MMA section is so flooded with flamers and trollers that its hard to discuss anything there.
  5. muddy

    hmb-DOES IT WOTK OR NOT???

    I found it only burnt money and was a product of the mid 90's EAS promotion machine.
  6. muddy

    Methyl-D experiences?

    The more I read about the Methyl-D the more I want to invest the extra $10 instead of trying the M1T or 1T. Has anyone tried this yet and gotten positive results? I was thinking of going with the Designer brand.
  7. muddy

    M1T/cycle questions

    Guys, have any of you tried M1T by Underground Labs? Its very inexpensive and thougth I may try it, but wanted to get a little input. I will run it with a cycle of Test Cyp 250mcg. I was thinking of 1 ml/4days of the test cyp and suppl with M1T. Any thoughts on this? Thanks, Muddy
  8. muddy

    Why shoudn't I use M1T?

    Several brands on ebay for as little as 12.99
  9. muddy

    Ephendrine HCL not banned??

    Guys, I could be mislead here, but I have read that Ephendrine HCL when sold alone is considered a Bronchodilator and not a dietary suppl. Can anyone shed some light here????
  10. muddy

    UFC 47 thoughts *SPOILER*

    This is what makes MMA so awesome. There are so many facets to the game.
  11. muddy

    UFC 47 thoughts *SPOILER*

    OK, I've watched the fight several times now. Tito couldn't shoot on Chuck. He tried twice but couldn't do it. I really believe the "choosing to stand with Chuck" was an after thought. He would have went for the gnp if the opportunity presented itself. But it didn't. The first time Chuck...
  12. muddy

    UFC 47 thoughts *SPOILER*

    I'm speaking of such a solid undercard. I did find it to be one the most entertaining shows top to bottom. Its just my opinion here. I found Joe Rogan's broadcasting and calling better than I have ever heard as well. I agree the Carrier fight ended too soon, but why submit him to more...
  13. muddy

    UFC 47 thoughts *SPOILER*

    Not sure about Barnett, but I believe there is bad blood between Josh and the powers that be at UFC. Last night they anounced it was indeed trace elements that have remained in Sylvia's system since the positive test nine months ago. They said he would indeed be back for a title shot. The...
  14. muddy

    UFC 47 thoughts *SPOILER*

    Fellow MMA fans, I really think this was the most exciting show I have ever seen. Every contest was awesome. The Neo-Samurai is my new favorite fighter!!! The Pitbull is one bad fellow. I think Sylvia may be in trouble here.... Chuck was on! His combinations were tighter than I have ever...
  15. muddy

    UFC fans, Sylvia tested positive....

    I read it was trace elements remaining in his fat cells from the original positive test. He tested positive for trace elements six months ago too.