Recent content by Nick smiths

  1. N

    Is this a steroid forum or what.

    No extra skin. Put back on 27 lbs of mostly lbm. happy with how it all worked out. Phentermine is an amphetamine based appetite suppressant.
  2. N

    Cutting questions........

    I have never tried to cut while preserving muscle. It has always been extreme losing multiple pounds per week with no thought of losing muscle. Everything I have read about a cutting cycle says to lift weights during the cutting cycle. This seems counterintuitive to me. Lifting breaks down...
  3. N

    Right amount of dextrose and whey???.......

    No dextrose in my whey. I add the dextrose to the whey. Hoping to get a fast insulin spike in anabolic window post workout. I lift on an empty stomach in the am and take the whey/dextrose mix minutes after finishing.
  4. N

    Poor labs.......................

    60 days of 300 mg/week 40 days of 600/week. Took ten days off working out and gear. Dropped tren back to 300/week. Have felt great since. Haven’t had follow up labs since feeling good. Have about 18 more days of tren and then coming off tren completely.
  5. N

    Hcg question..........:...........,

    Currently 300 tren 600 test
  6. N

    Poor labs.......................

    Yeah I noticed that my kidneys seems to be functioning properly, later after reading your article. I presented to her with complaints of kidney pain. After seeing ck was high she assumed rhabdo which a bi product of is myoglobin which is very hard on kidneys. She was concerned that if we...
  7. N

    Poor labs.......................

    Here they are. Three separate days.
  8. N

    Poor labs.......................

    Update. Had a ultrasound done on my kidneys. Only finding was bilateral dilatation of renal collecting system. Doing some research dilatation of the renal collecting system occurs in pregnant women from progesterone. Thought this was interesting with me being on 600mg tren. Been off 10 days...
  9. N

    Is this a steroid forum or what.

    Had been years since being on a cycle and was very out of shape. Started by running phentermine and 75mcg t3. Lost 51lbs of mostly fat in about 2 months. Jumped on 300mg tren ace and 600mg test. Gained about 15lbs of muscle/water weight. Jumped up to 600 mg tren ace 300mg test and 33mcg igf...
  10. N

    Is igf 1 lr3 legit anymore?

    5’10” 216 was the start @24%bf ended igf after about 25 days. End weight was 226 @21% bf.
  11. N

    Poor labs.......................

    Update, 3 Days later labs ran again. Now creatine kinase has jumped to over 3,000 and primary care doc is recommending I be hospitalized....
  12. N

    Poor labs.......................

    Been having some lower back pain that I was associating with kidney strain from cycle. Cycle: 600mg tren, 300 mg test ent, 33mcg igf-1, and 25 mcg t3. Labs: AST- normal 10-40 mine-66 Alt- normal 9-46 Mine-161 Creatine kinase-normal 44-196 Mine-846 Lipase- normal...
  13. N

    Hcg question..........:...........,

    Yeah hypothetical for the time being. Been blasting. Have a couple months left.
  14. N

    Is igf 1 lr3 legit anymore?

    Not sure if the question was directed at jp specifically..... just finish about a 20 days of igf-lr3. Gained 8 lbs and lost 3% body fat. Stacked with 600 tren ace and 300 test ent and 33 mcg igf. Very happy with results. Specific goal was to gain as much lbm as possible and to try something new...
  15. N

    Is this a steroid forum or what.

    Went from a cut where I lost 51lbs. Was taking 100mcg. Backed down to 25 and went straight into a bulk. Didn’t want lack of thyroid hormone To affect my bulking cycle. Hindsight, I should have not jumped straight into a bulk and let my thyroid reset.