Poor labs.......................

Nick smiths

New member
Been having some lower back pain that I was associating with kidney strain from cycle.

Cycle: 600mg tren, 300 mg test ent, 33mcg igf-1, and 25 mcg t3.


AST- normal 10-40
Alt- normal 9-46
Creatine kinase-normal 44-196
Lipase- normal 7-60
Platelet count- 140-400

Donated blood a few months back to try and keep rbc count down.

Doc says to not work out for 2 weeks. Says if something doesn’t change that acute kidney failure is possible. Going to follow doc orders. Stop cycle and not work out.

Question: are these values unusually high for someone on a cycle? Any number more concerning than others? Thanks for any and all help.
Update, 3 Days later labs ran again. Now creatine kinase has jumped to over 3,000 and primary care doc is recommending I be hospitalized....
I don't think your high CK is caused by your cycle. Either you have muscular distrophy or you severely damaged some muscles while working out. I agree that you should take a break from working out and run the lab work again. And definitely follow your doc's advice about getting checked out. It's a good idea to end the cycle now.

Your liver looks like you are taking an oral. You should run some NAC and Liv.52 if you aren't already. And stop taking the oral if you are on one.

If your doc ran any kidney blood work can you please post it?

Get better. You can always try a cycle down the road when you are healthy again.
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Update. Had a ultrasound done on my kidneys. Only finding was bilateral dilatation of renal collecting system. Doing some research dilatation of the renal collecting system occurs in pregnant women from progesterone. Thought this was interesting with me being on 600mg tren.

Been off 10 days and haven’t worked out. Ck values are back down to normal. My conclusion is 600 mg tren ace is too much for me. Thanks all for the insight and advice.
I'm glad you are doing better. I was worried about you. Thanks for following up with us.

It would be nice if you could post your kidney blood work so we can see it. You have only shown your liver, platelets and CK labs. It just seems odd that kidney damage would spike your CK like that unless there is something I'm not aware of. Is it possible you are mixing up creatinine with creatine kinase?

By the way, here is a study on CK. Are you sure you didn't strain a muscle of something while working out?

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All of your kidney labs looked perfectly fine to me. Your doc didn't circle any of them either. Nor were they flagged as being out of range. eGFR, BUN, Creatinine, Urea, etc all look good.

What looks bad is your liver, cholesterol and creatine kinase. I think you are confusing creatinine with creatine kinase.
Yeah I noticed that my kidneys seems to be functioning properly, later after reading your article. I presented to her with complaints of kidney pain. After seeing ck was high she assumed rhabdo which a bi product of is myoglobin which is very hard on kidneys. She was concerned that if we didn***8217;t get the rhabdo under control the unchecked myoglobin could put me at risk for acute kidney injury.

I took ten days off of working out and felt great.
Have worked out the last two days and feel great.
This time around I may add in a few more days off to let my body clear ck and myoglobin so it doesn***8217;t put as much strain on my kidneys. Thank you so much megatron for all the info and help! I really do appreciate all of you guys!
Update. Had a ultrasound done on my kidneys. Only finding was bilateral dilatation of renal collecting system. Doing some research dilatation of the renal collecting system occurs in pregnant women from progesterone. Thought this was interesting with me being on 600mg tren.

Been off 10 days and haven***8217;t worked out. Ck values are back down to normal. My conclusion is 600 mg tren ace is too much for me. Thanks all for the insight and advice.

How long where you on tren before the labs?
60 days of 300 mg/week
40 days of 600/week.
Took ten days off working out and gear. Dropped tren back to 300/week. Have felt great since. Haven’t had follow up labs since feeling good. Have about 18 more days of tren and then coming off tren completely.
60 days of 300 mg/week
40 days of 600/week.
Took ten days off working out and gear. Dropped tren back to 300/week. Have felt great since. Haven***8217;t had follow up labs since feeling good. Have about 18 more days of tren and then coming off tren completely.

a few more days of tren to go now, how are you feeling? How much weight have you lost on tren? how are gains? any sides at all? I wonder if your sleeping well.
60 days of 300 mg/week
40 days of 600/week.
Took ten days off working out and gear. Dropped tren back to 300/week. Have felt great since. Haven***8217;t had follow up labs since feeling good. Have about 18 more days of tren and then coming off tren completely.

now 2 months since you posted this, how did it go? how did your pct go? gains good? what about sides?