Recent content by nickespi

  1. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    I have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, but don't see the point in running it for only sensitive nips. AI's are usually reserved for controlling gross gyno. No point in using it to relieve a little sensitivity issue. If I did, I wouldn't be able to tell if there were any other issues I might...
  2. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    Thanks Nate. Good eye Chris. I'm suprised you didn't refer to it as the SR25/MK11 Mod0. But yeah, it's a decent system. Still prefer bolt action though(M24 & MK13). This one is just to play around with.
  3. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    Thanks for the compliments bro. I've really been busting my ass, so I'm glad to hear that it's paying off. -Live Large
  4. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    I do 3 days on and 1 day off. Day 1-Chest and Back:Flat bench, Incline, Decline, Deadlifts, Lat Pulldowns... Day 2-Arms and Shoulders:Curls, Cable work, Weighted Dips, Shrugs, Overhead Press... Day 3-Lowerbody/Legs:Squats, Leg Press, Calf Raises... Day 4-Off Repeat
  5. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    A Quick Update I'm at the 4 week mark. Things are going really well. So far, no major issues, just super sensitive nipples. All my measurements have gone up between 1-2 inches. Really making progress on strength, also. Here are some updated pics.
  6. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    Thanks Drew. I know it's way too early for the Test, but like you said, I'll use it to my advantage. I'll take whatever I can get. Stats: I'm a virgo, father of 2...just kidding AGE: 26 HT: 5'10" WT: 160lbs BF%: 11% Diet: I'm not in the states so pretty much whatever I can get. It's super dirty...
  7. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    Drew, that pic was from today. It's the 1 week pic. I had to take a pic since when I hopped on the scale I was up 7 lbs. I couldn't believe it. Not too sure why the jump already. I'm 5'10 and 160lbs. I know, I know. I've battled weight forever. I guess some people just don't get good genetics...
  8. nickespi

    From Scrawny to Skinny

    Beginning of my log. I'm 1 week into a Test Cyp only cycle. 200mg twice a week. This is my first cycle and I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not doing this cycle to improve my physique for competition level. You guys that do that have all my respect for your discipline. I'm doing this cycle to...
  9. nickespi

    Naps order question

    Look man, you need patience. I placed my order in October and after 5 weeks of waiting I got nothing. I emailed them and they said they would reship without any questions asked. They didn't even ask for the siezure letter, granted I hadn't received one. About a week later, the letter finally...
  10. nickespi

    Wtf !!!!!!!

    I want those 6 minutes back. What a homo. I don't see how the cameraman was able to film this without dying from laughter.
  11. nickespi

    RJ's words for NEWB's

    Yeah, epic fail on my part :Pat:, but if you can't laugh at yourself, then what's the point.
  12. nickespi

    RJ's words for NEWB's

    Wow, seriously? No sense of humor at all. I would expect it from elitefitness but not you guys. lol
  13. nickespi

    RJ's words for NEWB's

    Yes, I know. You'll have to use your imagination. My broke ass has been spending all my money on doublestackers and I couldn't afford to have another male character in the video. hahahaha
  14. nickespi

    RJ's words for NEWB's

    I was so inspired by the word of RJ, that I made a video response. You will need to watch RJ's video first, to understand this. Be prepared to die laughing! RJ's video- My response-
  15. nickespi

    Popping the Cherry

    Gear finally arrived! I decided to let my friends at customs get a free cycle with my first shipment, but the reship was all mine! Even though it took a while to get my gear, nappy came through. Even with all the speculation that's been floating in the air. Can't wait to pin. Thanks again to my...