RJ's words for NEWB's


New member
I was so inspired by the word of RJ, that I made a video response. You will need to watch RJ's video first, to understand this. Be prepared to die laughing!

RJ's video- xtranormal.com/watch/8064913/

My response- xtranormal.com/watch/8122519
Yes, I know. You'll have to use your imagination. My broke ass has been spending all my money on doublestackers and I couldn't afford to have another male character in the video. hahahaha
see im sure i could make one of these clips too but I thought id probably make a failure like this one so i just leave it to guys like oak and pickle that can make people laugh
Wow, seriously? No sense of humor at all. I would expect it from elitefitness but not you guys. lol
You did much better than I could have but, I am super disappointed that I just wasted 5 mins to buffer this video and another 1 min 40 sec to watch this! Nice try though.
Other than the response character being a freaking skirt, they're both fucking hilarious!! Tho RJ's first one is easily 5 of 10 points bettter!! LMFWCAO!!
attempt - 3/10

1. The dude in DETs who was supposed to be me had dark hair.
2. Why is the person a woman in this one.
3. Double stackers are for girls and men < 200lbs. QUAD stackers.
4. I don't like cats

This is why i didn't try to make one of these vids cause at some point the humor gets lost by excess.