Recent content by Nomoobs

  1. N

    Been on TRT ten years. Trying to have kid and have HCG questions.

    Hi all, Just looking for opinions and experience. I have been on TRT for ten years. 8 of which has been no HCG. Balls are raisins. My wife and I are 39 and trying to have another kid. Been a few months and no luck. Do y'all recommend I come completely off TRT and do HCG with Clomid or can I add...
  2. N

    High hemoglobin at blood donation, thoughts on when to go again?

    Yea just hemoglobin. They took my blood but wouldn’t let me donate double red since I was over 18.5.
  3. N

    High hemoglobin at blood donation, thoughts on when to go again?

    Been on TRT for 7 years no real issues and I don’t have any complaints. I usually donate blood every 8-10 weeks. I moved and forgot to donate for about 18 weeks. Anyways went to donate and my hemoglobin was 20.1 with the finger prick test. I donated today. When should I donate again to get it...
  4. N

    Expired Anavar is it still good?

    Thanks guys! Yea it took discipline not touching them but I never felt like my body was at a place where it would be useful. I’m almost there so they will be used up :)
  5. N

    Expired Anavar is it still good?

    Thanks for the reply, Sealed in its original container, locked in a gun safe in a closet with no moisture. Thoughts?
  6. N

    Expired Anavar is it still good?

    Hi, I have (180) 10mg Oxandrolone/Anavar pills prescribed to me in 2/2014. Says they expire 3/2015. Are these still good or are they junk?
  7. N

    Low E2/sensitive, poor erections, libido, thoughts on protocol

    Quick update. Feeling really good. Gonna get bloods in a week. Stopped taking AI for a week and morning wood came back and spontaneous erections. Lowered my AI dose to .25mg on injection days. Still I think the erections are about 85 percent of what they could be. Took liquid Cialis and that...
  8. N

    Low E2/sensitive, poor erections, libido, thoughts on protocol

    Thanks guys. Also wondering why HCG seems to cause a little irritation on my left pec. Any ideas even with my E2 that low??? Any ideas how to prevent the pimples too?
  9. N

    Low E2/sensitive, poor erections, libido, thoughts on protocol

    Hi all, Finally invested in the sensitive estrogen and also did the hormone panel from private md labs. For months I've been having crummy erections and to make matters worse I recently started dating a new chick who must think I'm 17 again because she wants sex back to back sessions. I ordered...
  10. N

    HCG not raising above 300

    No I did not use HCG the whole time in fact for about 6 months I went without it. I feel better like that but aesthetic wise I like a little bit of HCG. I can't confirm what I was diagnosed as I have had idiot doctors since day one. I can go back and pull my original labs. I just wanted to try...
  11. N

    HCG not raising above 300

    Idk Ive read that latest study at the VA and it has me a little worried. I kinda just wish I could do without it. Im going to a different doctor tomorrow and going to get my current protocol labs done since Im still on TRT. He treats a bunch of people at work and does not do breaks every 12...
  12. N

    HCG not raising above 300

    Last time I tried this my estrodial was 18. Yes I used AI. Im stopping because I fear the long term risks of heart problems etc and I find it a pia to always be pinning and worrying about where I am at. Dr set the dosing at 2000iu monday wednesday friday. He is old school and likes to do breaks...
  13. N

    HCG not raising above 300

    Question, I have tried taking a break from TRT and using HCG at 2000iu three times a week for 5 weeks and never could get my TT over 300. My TT before TRT was around 220. Should I try it longer before adding clomid? I basically want to try taking a break and seeing if I can do a restart. Can I...
  14. N

    Questions about prolactin

    Just wondering if a prolactin level of 12 could cause week erections? If so how long would you need to take dostinex to lower it? Or is it something you are on as maintenance? Been on trt 2 years and the last six months my erections have been mediocre at best. Not sure if HCG is causing the...