Recent content by Old Duffer

  1. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    10 min cardio Preacher ez bar: 45x12, 75x12, 85x8, 95x5/5 Chainsaws: 60x12, 70x12, 80x10, 90x8/8 Oly bar rows: 135x6/6/6, 115x8/6 Cable rope curls: 80x8/8, 60x12/12 Tank was empty then! Weight 217.5, cals 3435, carbs 34, fat 38, protein 28(226g)
  2. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Better day 10 min cardio Smith flat: 135x12, 225x5, 205x6/6, 185x8/6, 165x8/6 Smith incline: 95x10, 115x8/10, 135x6/4, 115x8/8 Stand Db tris: 15sX12, 20x12, 25x10, 30x6, 25x10 Decline bench: 95x12, 115x7/6 Cable tri: v-bar 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 150x6/6 Weight 219, cals 2985, carbs 34, fat 38...
  3. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Legs. Sucked. Been 16 days since legs. Unbelievable loss of strength 10 min. Cardio Plated squat press: 200x12, 290x12, 380x6/6, 470x6 short. I had to ease to standing and then sit back down to log so as not to pass out. Damn I hate tren for that one thing Leg extensions: 120x15, 150x15...
  4. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Blood donations today. Smmmooooth.
  5. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Half hour wifee cardio Wide cable lat down: 100x12, 140x12, 160x10, 180x6/4 Narrow cable row: 100x12, 140x10, 160x6, 140x8/6 Db shrugs: 80sX10/8/6, 70x8/8 Oly bar curls: 55x10, 65x6/5, 55x8/10fast Narrow cable lat down: 100x10, 120x8, 140x6 Weight 222.5, cals 2510, carbs 35, fat 39, protein...
  6. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Took a week off. Life n stuff Phone blew up so yeah... Think my tren-e 200 is actually mislabeled. It's tren-a 100. Grrr. Switched to known tren-e yesterday. Last night slept on a towel after soaking sheets. Ummm, yeah. That's the stuff Yesterday gym. Bad time off :-( 10 min cardio - same as...
  7. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    10 min cardio Ez preachers: 75x12, 85x7/8/6/6, 75x5 slow Standing db curls: alternating 25x8, 30x6, then together while leaning into bench 35x4, 25x6, 20x6 (surprisingly difficult) Oly bar rows: 95x8/8/8, 115x8/6/6 Cable rope curls: 100x6/6, 80x8/8/7 Weight 220.5, cals 2765, carbs 32, fat 30...
  8. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Wifee cardio until I thought my heart would explode! Flat bench: 135x12, 185x6/4, 155x8/6 Incline bench: 95x12, 115x10/8/6/4 Decline bench: 95x12, 115x12, 135x8/8 Cable tri bar: 100x12, 120x12, 140x8, rope: 140x6, 100x10 Standing db tri: 20sX8/8/8, 15sX10/12 Weight 224, cals 3600, carbs 27...
  9. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Truth. I;ll be watching that for sure
  10. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Thanx Tank. The deca is just therapeutic for my knees but I;ve never done anything this big before! With that said.... got my bloodwork today! Do not know shiz without it Hematocrit 49.5 (37.5-51) - really happy here! Even tho I donate I expected this to be thru da roof with as much as I;m...
  11. Old Duffer

    Issues with daily cialis on TRT

    I have never heard cialis use for atrophy. HCG seems the only good way to keep the boys in working order. Your E2 might be a bit low also, but... I do 5mg daily cialis and when I do a blast with stuff that messes with my function, I bump it to 10mg. Then if I know I am gonna he called into...
  12. Old Duffer

    Time for an old dude to step it up

    Geez I knew February was going to be a tough month, but... Leg day Plated squat press: 290x12, 380x8, 470x6, 560x4, 380x8 Leg extensions: 120x15, 160x15, 200x15, 220x12, 230x10 Weighted calf raises: 110x15/15, 110x12/12 slow, 150x10 slow with hold Leg curl: 100x12, 120x8/10/10, 150x6 Weight...
  13. Old Duffer

    Sarmssearch sponsored LGD blogspot

    I get if every time but have never experienced such a low afterwards! This stuff is strong! Need to taper off it
  14. Old Duffer

    properly dosing Deca 250mg into two pins totaling 400mg ew

    Looks like you have a pretty good handle on this :-) I would not do both orals. Probably do not need either one but I often add proviron for the positive sexual sides. Afa lean bulk: just keep in mind you need cals to build muscle plus to feed the body, turbocharged by the AAS. More cals than...