Time for an old dude to step it up

Better day

10 min cardio
Smith flat: 135x12, 225x5, 205x6/6, 185x8/6, 165x8/6
Smith incline: 95x10, 115x8/10, 135x6/4, 115x8/8
Stand Db tris: 15sX12, 20x12, 25x10, 30x6, 25x10
Decline bench: 95x12, 115x7/6
Cable tri: v-bar 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 150x6/6

Weight 219, cals 2985, carbs 34, fat 38, protein 28(163g)

I was gonna lower the tren dose to regain some cardio but forgot.... And today was just fine! Go figure
10 min cardio
Preacher ez bar: 45x12, 75x12, 85x8, 95x5/5
Chainsaws: 60x12, 70x12, 80x10, 90x8/8
Oly bar rows: 135x6/6/6, 115x8/6
Cable rope curls: 80x8/8, 60x12/12

Tank was empty then!

Weight 217.5, cals 3435, carbs 34, fat 38, protein 28(226g)