Recent content by orlan

  1. O

    Quitting cold turkey Question

    i could not find the other stuff and some of the stuff was not available
  2. O

    Quitting cold turkey Question

    ordered clomid and liquidex. should get it hopefully soon. my source is a professional body builder but he is not concerned about my side effects like i am lol..... i wanted to get all my pct before i started but didn't happen. so its my bad. I'm a noob when it comes to this stuff and i have...
  3. O

    Quitting cold turkey Question

    sorry not looking for that. just some advice edited my post =)
  4. O

    Quitting cold turkey Question

    Hey Guys, New to this forum. Im on my first cycle I'm taking 2 times per week (Tuesday and Friday) sustanon 250 1cc stacked with NPP 250 .5cc and Turinabol .5 cc oral pre work out only (work out 5 days a week) i have gained 30 lbs in 5 weeks. having some sex drive issues that really scares me...