Quitting cold turkey Question


New member
Hey Guys, New to this forum. Im on my first cycle I'm taking 2 times per week (Tuesday and Friday) sustanon 250 1cc stacked with NPP 250 .5cc and Turinabol .5 cc oral pre work out only (work out 5 days a week) i have gained 30 lbs in 5 weeks. having some sex drive issues that really scares me been married 19 years.my age is 38 and my body fat around 12% .anyways my question is can i come off cold turkey after only a 5 week cycle?? as my guy that i get my gear from is not helping me get any pct or ai cause if I'm going to mess with my hormones i need to do it for 6 months as to not mess with my hormones on a small cycle. i would like to stop this cycle sooner then later. any advise would be greatly appreciated. also can i just run clomid pct 35mg?
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My advice to you son is have all your gear including pct before you start. And don't come on here with yur first post asking for a source. NOT gonna happen. Good luck
Find an AI bro, and keep on cycle. It shouldn't be that hard for you to get your hands on one...you should also be taking sust more than twice a week due to the short esters in the sust.
Look at the top of the screen for RUI's banner add. You need to order clomid, nolva, pramipexole and arimidex from them immediately.

That 30 pounds you gained is mostly water because your are not using an Aromatase Inhibitor.

Your sex drive and penis are screwed up because you are not using an aromatase inhibitor or a dopamine agonist. You are running a really bad cycle. You need to do a lot of homework.

Your cycle should not exceed 14 weeks. Going longer than that puts your ability tinrecover your natural testosterone production at higher risk.

Start by reading the sticky threads. Spend the whole weekend reading everything you possibly can.
Until u get some Nolvadex or clomid for pct an option is always drop down to a low dose of test like 200mg/week and drop all the other stuff in the meantime
It always helps to research before putting anything in your body
U Def don't wanna quit cold turkey!
Start reading man. It's gonna take you awhile. I just read through all the stickys and i still have questions. But you will find most of your answers there.
ordered clomid and liquidex. should get it hopefully soon. my source is a professional body builder but he is not concerned about my side effects like i am lol..... i wanted to get all my pct before i started but didn't happen. so its my bad. I'm a noob when it comes to this stuff and i have read so much online everywhere and all the information varries from forum to forum. i did all the research concerning the stack and it seemed like a pretty standard cycle for starters - the turinabol. I'm not bloated or lactating, am getting hot flashes and lack of interest for sex. maybe little moody. my diet is on point had acne for 1 week but cleared up (on face only). any advice on clomid and liquidex doses after my last pin would be greatly appreciated
ordered clomid and liquidex. should get it hopefully soon. my source is a professional body builder but he is not concerned about my side effects like i am lol..... i wanted to get all my pct before i started but didn't happen. so its my bad. I'm a noob when it comes to this stuff and i have read so much online everywhere and all the information varries from forum to forum. i did all the research concerning the stack and it seemed like a pretty standard cycle for starters - the turinabol. I'm not bloated or lactating, am getting hot flashes and lack of interest for sex. maybe little moody. my diet is on point had acne for 1 week but cleared up (on face only). any advice on clomid and liquidex doses after my last pin would be greatly appreciated

Why didn't you order everything I told you to get?
Gaining that my weight in 5 weeks is telling me u are holding a f load of water bro ( water retention). That being said your estrogen is probably crazy high especially with the added oral tbol, alittle better then dbol for water retention but not much exspecially for u not running an ai, and not to mention your BP is probably high as well
Drop all the other stuff and run a low dose of test (200mg/week) until u get your pct stuff in your hands. Till then do some research on stuff about proper cycling and you'll soak some good info on this site
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just sad for people who don't care enough about their body to understand what horrible effects not being prepared can cause. like megatron said you need clomid and nova for pct. and liquidex will be good for and ai during cycle but you really need to be careful.