Recent content by passthetest

  1. P

    Uncle Z. Best prices

    anyone use them..?
  2. P

    Deca and Eq users

    It depends on how long you take the compounds. Assuming that you would run them each for 15 weeks with some sort of test, I would for sure take the 600 of eq over 250 deca. 250 mgs a week of deca is hardly anabolic at all, the eq will give you a steady amount of solid muscle build up with...
  3. P

    The Man whose Arms exploded!

    That guys a fucking idiot and is one of the reasons why the steroid world is looked down upon by so many.
  4. P

    Comparing Test E to Test P

    Test is test man they just have different esters attached to them.. If you dont mind hitting yourself ed or eod then I'd go with prop considering that it kicks in faster and gets out of your system faster
  5. P

    whats peoples worst week comming of pct?

    Right when I finishg my post cycle therapy (pct) and I start to losing a small amount I always get really edgy...also start to hit a stage of frustration/depression when I have low test levels
  6. P


    Hey I'm currently lean bulking doing abs 3X a week. I'll work them real hard 1 day a week and do mild sets in between larger muscle groups in order to keep my heart rate elevated to remain in the fat burning zone. They are a muscle and getting your abs to grow while on is alot easier than while...
  7. P

    looling for Equipoise in Mexico

    yah you can find good stuff but its rare and expensive...your better off searching for sources
  8. P

    get rid of water

    arimidex .25 mg ed
  9. P

    For those who have used clen

    horrible charlie horses
  10. P

    Hows my cycle?

    if i read your post correctly youl be doing 10 weeks of Winstrol (winny)? doesnt seem like a good idea due to its high liver toxic properties and if you plan on taking orals id def advise against it
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    what are your cycle goals? All you will get out of 250 mgs of eq is some minor vascularity/hardness i would seriousely recomend upping the doseage
  12. P

    Stallion labs DBOL

    that shit sucks ass
  13. P

    So who wants to...

    just order um
  14. P

    Cycle for a rower

    yah i understand imo i think your low test and 300 eq would be best
  15. P

    Cycle for a rower

    what would you like me to explain? why short esters arent good for a first cycle?... having to hit yourself eod with no experience could be a very difficult task for a first time user. The users body could take an extended period of time to recover from the soarness of injections due to the fact...