Recent content by Paulsmith

  1. Paulsmith

    Underdosed, overdosed, how to get it right.

    Over over and over. It feels awesome.
  2. Paulsmith

    How to tell the wife?

    You have to convince her so that she's sure of what you're doing is safe for you and her. It will take time but she will accept it sooner or later. Any update?
  3. Paulsmith

    Low Sex Drive because of Exercising

    If your TT is normal, you should stick to good nutrition and everyone will be back to normal. As you see, when you workout then you get these problems so your body needs rest and good nutrition.
  4. Paulsmith

    Anavar and diet?

    Yeah you are right please do not start it can harm your health right DobieQueen ;)
  5. Paulsmith

    Critique my workout. All input is welcome

    I think you are doing well as a muscle growth keep it up and you will be one among the celebrities lol..
  6. Paulsmith

    I'm really weak, but does it matter?

    Sometimes you should pay attention to what others say to you so that you know what do you lack in you and then if you want to improve it or not it all depends on you
  7. Paulsmith

    Not drinking alcohol and how you do it?

    its all in your mind if you keep in mind that you should not drink alcohol so you will be able to fight it over stay strong you will see it will change your life. you know that where there is a will there is a way...
  8. Paulsmith

    Big fat older guy. Need to do something NOW!

    yeah that true where is a will there is a way.
  9. Paulsmith

    Im back, different approach to losing weight

    Cool keep the track buddy
  10. Paulsmith

    1st Cycle but I'm a little over weight

    DonkeyKong, I would advice you to eat half what you usually eat everyday. And also, go green that is eat lettuce, cucumber and also pineapple to lose weight and stay healthy. Paul
  11. Paulsmith

    Afraid to start steroid use.

    Slavo, it is all playing in your mind. You have to be psychologically strong to think about using steroids. Go see friends who are using it and building their way to big muscles. And then, if you think you're not comfortable do no try it. Otherwise, make sure you see progress your friends are...
  12. Paulsmith

    With the threads about lack of wood, am I a freak or what?

    Yeah, the true story is that no everyone is the same. It may have worked in your body but it may not on somebody's else body. I had a friend who was having these pills and he found no effect. So the psychological part is not affecting him at all and as Charles said early, there's a part of...