Recent content by phatboy

  1. P

    How many bros are still out there?!?!?

    This site was so good back in the day. I was in my 20s. Now in my mid 40s. I think people are just getting old and moving on to other things.
  2. P

    rich piana giving out some terrible advice

    I was thinking the same thing. He looks like it - seriously.
  3. P

    Feedback on companies

    I totally agree with you. This board has gone to crap.
  4. P

    I'm having a hard time eating....

    You don't need that many calories, man. Unless you are a serious ectomorph you run the risk of gaining a lot of fat. And you are only on test. I have made that mistake a couple of times. Just eat a balanced and clean meal every 2-3 hours and the weight will come.
  5. P

    Some snaps for AML

    Never tried them. Stuff looks nice, but CHA CHING
  6. P


    T3 its best on empty stomach.
  7. P

    female on deca need help!!!!

    You don't need steroids to lose weight. Who ever told you to take deca should be slapped. Diet, training and sleep. Oh yeah and a lot of research. There is of ton of info on this site. Check out the women's forum.
  8. P

    tren, eq, anavar,no test?

    just try it and see. I have known a few guys that don't use test while cutting. I used tren ace alone for a 5 or 6 weeks and can't remember it being that bad.
  9. P

    Gyno Surgery

    Yeah I just looked it up on youtube. Something about leaving around 10% to prevent inverted nipples.
  10. P

    Gyno Surgery

    I thought once the gland is removed, no more gyno. If that is not the case, what is the purpose of removing the gland?
  11. P

    2nd cycle NPP, Mast, Sust

    Good for you, man. Very wise decision, indeed.
  12. P

    2nd cycle NPP, Mast, Sust

    100 bucks you won't take 4 months off. I am just messing with you because you are looking way ahead. You aren't half way through with your first cycle. You really don't need Mast for bulking.
  13. P

    Which compound do you guys like better NPP or DECA?

    Everyone is different, but for me, there is no difference in the two as far as bloat. Nothing visible at all and I've used both several times.
  14. P

    Andromed T300 50ml
