Recent content by Phrack

  1. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    no answers? :(
  2. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    Here is a few questions: 1. Can i mix Test E/C and Deca in one Pin and then inject it? or do i have to poke myself 2 times? 2. Also is it alright to Add HGH to a Test cycle? 3. Can i use an insulin syringe to administer the above items, ( i hate needles and would like to find something...
  3. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    200MG a week will only bring me to 350 so does that mean that i will have to take a 500mg dose 2x a week?
  4. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    OK, just got my Test results back. TEST TL 155 L ng/dL so seeing how i am sooooo low on the Test count, is 500MG each week going to be enough to get me into the range i want ( i wouldn't mind being in the 900+ range :) ) Also @Night, I was told that i wouldn't need to to post cycle therapy...
  5. Phrack

    Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

    Kaiser found out i had hypogonadism, and when i was in the Army one of the Endo docs at Madagin ran a bunch of tests on me (karyotype testing included) and told me i Had Klines.
  6. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    Perhaps my doc is paranoid or some crap. 11B?
  7. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    Actually my GF is a LPN
  8. Phrack

    Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

    here is a question, is there a list of Docs that work with us in the San Francisco bay Area? I have klinefelters so having low T is normal to me.. and it sucks
  9. Phrack

    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Doctor - Looking for a new one

    Glad i wasn't the one to resurrect the thread. I am in the SF Bay area also and would love to know who the OP went to, especially since Chip is in a better place (since 2012). the VA is having me 2x a month crap....
  10. Phrack

    Another Newbie with a question.

    well my deployment got bumped back a bit, so i have more time to "prep" although my overseas "source" shipped my 4 items but i only got the Deca the rest of my order never arrived. they tell me i have to wait longer, it's been 2 months... perhaps i should just find a doc stateside since i am...
  11. Phrack

    Detox Diet

    I cut out Red Meat and my body fat took a dive
  12. Phrack

    First Cycle Idea

    ok the doc decided to put me on 100mg once every 2 weeks for 3 doses then bump me up to 200mg every 2 weeks. that doesn't seem very much at all. so what would you recommend me doing to "supplement" what they are giving me? he wouldn't give me a 30 day amount to take home. they want me to go...
  13. Phrack

    Detox Diet

    lol i was gonna say, I plan on "juicing" but only after i drop the "fat around my organs"
  14. Phrack

    Detox Diet

    so i got my BMI done Saturday and i sit at 5' 11" 185lbs and 25.3%, but yet i am skinny as hell. I was told that the fat is surrounding my vitals organs and i was also told that a Detox Diet is the easiest way to get my body to shed said fat. with that said does anyone know of a 7 day "diet"...