Recent content by pinting

  1. P

    Dose of HGH for fat loss?

    I saw this quote and followed its instructions (1iu daily half an hour before work out fasted). I had amazing results with fat loss! Went down a waist size and still dropping! I was on a ketogenic diet for years before and fast regularly, however once I introduced the 1iu generic HGH daily I...
  2. P

    Rad140 - who had experience? looks amazing

    Many thanks all.* I've decided against SARMs at this point in time, going to continue with my very low HGH dose which has been excellent for fat loss and overall well being. When I get older and the natural testosterone production which i've been so careful to protect starts dropping off i'll...
  3. P

    Rad140 - who had experience? looks amazing

    Many thanks CageBreed, i've read a lot about mk2966 since you recommended it. I'm a little confused why it doesn't shutdown like other mass building SARMS though?
  4. P

    Rad140 - who had experience? looks amazing

    apologies, bump.. Looking for a SARM with 0 suppression and best muscle building qualities? Would love to try RD140 because of the feedback & Alzheimer's link, but anecdotal evidence already saying its quite badly suppressive. I've never taken steroids so my natural testosterone production is...
  5. P

    Rad140 - who had experience? looks amazing

    No i'm not, i've also never taken any steroids and have been reading that RD140 is potentially suppressive - would maybe S4 Andarine be a wiser choice of SARM if I wanted to totally avoid any risk of suppressing my natural testosterone production? I mainly chose RD140 because my family has a...
  6. P

    Rad140 - who had experience? looks amazing

    Hello, I soon intend to start using 20mg RAD140 daily for a 12 week cycle. I don't think I should ever take steroids as I have a terrible temper, get bad acne and am very prone to depression, plus I just don't like the idea of shutting off my natural test production, so RAD140 seems like a...