Recent content by prank

  1. prank

    Help Im little new with steroids ?

    Looks like someone's been going through the neighbors medicine cabinets again
  2. prank

    Muscle twitches EVERY pin now??

    oh yea and im 56 years old
  3. prank

    Muscle twitches EVERY pin now??

  4. prank

    How come no-one takes - trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    I Know it an old Thread I Know it an old Thread but the different ester, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. This ester extends the activity of the drug for more than two weeks,
  5. prank

    Who are our members over 60 years of age

    56 years old just cycling on & off test the past couple of years before that I made all the newbie mistakes ps. still making mistakes
  6. prank

    When do you feel test prop

    SO How long do you think he should leave the syringe in?
  7. prank

    My First Cycle - Need Honest Advice

    DID you say you have been working out for a HOLE 2 months now? And don't want to gain body fat but you want to use Deca? IMO you should not do any AAS.
  8. prank

    Med-Tec Test e 300 first cycle sore after jabbing

    Welcome to the Ollogy. You could try JABBING somewhere else delt or thigh. How many CC.s at a time are you doing? is this your first cycle pinning? are you sure your pinning correctly? so many more questions. whats you stats? what is - Weight 11st 11 pounds
  9. prank

    Sustanon 250 + Test E Stack Any Good??

    I don't need AAS advise I only come here for the entertainment. :Pat::argue:
  10. prank

    night sweats after switching T from IM once a week to subcutaneous twice a week

    I have brought up this subject before and I was thinking of going sub-Q injections. So am curious about the out come of your test please keep us(me) posted
  11. prank

    From SH*T to FIT!!!!! Thanks to 3J's coaching!

    Nice job on the transformation! and Congrats to you and 3J's
  12. prank

    after mixing HCG didnt make much . help??

    if the pin has a100 tick marks it's .10
  13. prank

    Renegade diet

    This is a GOOD read I like this Thread people voicing opinions no one bashing any one why cant all the threads be like this
  14. prank

    In gym - asked if I am taking drugs

    Awwwww man that's why I go to the Gym.:Pat::Pat::blue: