Recent content by PureIsClean

  1. PureIsClean

    test/dbol/tren any thoughts?

    Clomid helps you kickstart your natural production nolva is only used as anti e in pct Haus, and another flag that pops out to me is besides not starting Tren when you start test which you should why are you running dbol and clen at same time ? I would choose one or the other maybe a more...
  2. PureIsClean

    IS Buying Clenbuterol Online Safe or Sacam?

    +1 RUI, Never let me down
  3. PureIsClean

    Anyone wana take a stab at BF% Dieting for Roughly 6 Months

    Awesome fellas Thx for input, I was hoping to hear numbers around 15% so of course I'm smiling lol
  4. PureIsClean

    Anyone wana take a stab at BF% Dieting for Roughly 6 Months

    What do yall think im sitting at % wise. Stats are 6'4 248lbs in pic (Edit)
  5. PureIsClean

    Starting intermediate Cycle Info to make sure im Prepared

    3 Months in with 3J sitting at 245!
  6. PureIsClean

    summer is coming...whats the best lean mass/cut stack combo in your opinion?

    You couldn't go wrong with hitting 3J Nutrition up he is very knowledgeable and makes it easy to follow its crazy eat what he says eat and you literally see a difference week by week. Check out the diet threads
  7. PureIsClean

    Kaz's road to 230+, second cycle log

    T500 with little to no PiP sounds legit as hell. Best of luck on goals bud will be watching
  8. PureIsClean

    Optimum pharma Mixed Homones formulas and esters.

    <<Major thumbs up for OP's Test Cypionate it flows like water through 25 gauge couldn't ask for any better. Also there Tren 200 major thumbs up friend of mine is 1 1/2 weeks out of show and has been running there Tren and he is nothing short of amazed on how he has kept his strength while...
  9. PureIsClean

    Optimum pharma Mixed Homones formulas and esters.

    <<Major thumbs up for OP's Test Cypionate it flows like water through 25 gauge couldn't ask for any better. Also there Tren 200 major thumbs up friend of mine is 1 1/2 weeks out of show and has been runnin there Tren and he is nothing short of amazed on how he has kept his strength while...
  10. PureIsClean

    Starting intermediate Cycle Info to make sure im Prepared

    Sitting at 250Lbs atm XD little back shot
  11. PureIsClean

    Planning Ahead, won't be very long! OP

    Thx for the reply Kane, glad to hear you had a good experience with it. Definitely something to look forward too.
  12. PureIsClean

    Starting intermediate Cycle Info to make sure im Prepared

    4 Months Ago I was looking like this !!!!!!!!! Hard Work good diet goes a long fuking ways, can't wait to see it in another 4 months XD
  13. PureIsClean

    Starting intermediate Cycle Info to make sure im Prepared

    2 Weeks in with 3J Weight is now 258 (not flexing) ;P
  14. PureIsClean

    Planning Ahead, won't be very long! OP

    Yessir looks tasty indeed, to bad I'm going to have to wait till March if all goes as planned start PCT Feb... Something to look forward too though. Still Interesting to hear some reviews!! Thx All
  15. PureIsClean

    Planning Ahead, won't be very long! OP

    Anyone tried the Tren E ?