summer is coming...whats the best lean mass/cut stack combo in your opinion?


New member
Reading everyones post...seems to be so many differant cycles out there that everyone is on...can some of the vets give there cycle secrets as to what you take to get ready for the summer look? tren,mast, winny, clen, albuterol,ephed????
Im not a VET up in this place but iv been around the block..I say test, mast and epi works great for me for summer.
If you want to get cut all you need is a caloric deficit in your diet and your good to go, add in some test to help preserve muscle - that's it :)

In terms of actual fat burners to help you along the way - the EC stack, clen, albuterol & DNP are the only real supplements that will help you as thermogenics.

The cycles you see with a bunch of different AAS (masteron, tren, winnie, etc) are really a waste of money on a cut unless you plan on getting ready for a contest.
I like the synergy between test tren and mast.. but regardless of compounds cutting is completely diet based and has little to do with the gear. You use gear to preserve muscle while in a deficit as zilla mentioned. Technically other compounds like winny, mast, tren, etc will aid in getting the grainy, hard and dry look which is more for stage than beach body.
I was about to start a tren, mast, test blend, but wasnt sure what exactly i needed to eat to get the max benefit out of it. Im just barely getting used to the 3500g oatmeal, eggs, chicken, vegtables and protien style eating habits for normal muscle gain/workout effects. So drop back down to a 25/50/25 diet. Would you guys have examples of a meal plan to there a link here on this site?
You couldn't go wrong with hitting 3J Nutrition up he is very knowledgeable and makes it easy to follow its crazy eat what he says eat and you literally see a difference week by week. Check out the diet threads
I'm a bit old school but ephedrine, caffeine, yohimbine will cut you up in the correct dosages... Assuming diet/training is on point and you have no cardiovascular issues....
I'm on hrt test only my doses are low about 250 mg a week with 6 small meal and works wonder to maintain mass as i cut down to 7% bf, checkout 3J he can help you out like he did for me
I'm more EPH 50/mg Caff 200/mg Yoh 2.5/mg upon waking... 25/mg EPH 200/mg Caff, 2.5/mg Yoh every 2 hours... Works wonders for me!

it's generally not advisable to mix ephedrine and yohimbine... clearly some can get away with it, but for a lot (from what I can gather, a majority) it poses a serious cardiac risk and/or may trigger severe anxiety. word of caution to the OP
it's generally not advisable to mix ephedrine and yohimbine... clearly some can get away with it, but for a lot (from what I can gather, a majority) it poses a serious cardiac risk and/or may trigger severe anxiety. word of caution to the OP

Thus why I said initially "if you don't have cardiovascular issues"... Still think it's less harmful than Clen/thyroid type stacks.. Or Tren... In my opinion, much worse.. But, again, if training and diet aren't on point all of this is meaningless...
if someone wanted to do EYC, even without preexisting cardiac issues, it is recommended he/she start with lower doses and monitor HR and BP. B2 agonism + A2 antagonism can cause very substantial increases in both.

agreed that diet is most important, which for most people is the main issue
if someone wanted to do EYC, even without preexisting cardiac issues, it is recommended he/she start with lower doses and monitor HR and BP. B2 agonism + A2 antagonism can cause very substantial increases in both.

agreed that diet is most important, which for most people is the main issue

I think that if ANYONE is doing anything, they should be doing it at the lowest dose that produces results...
I think that if ANYONE is doing anything, they should be doing it at the lowest dose that produces results...

i agree wholeheartedly, but "more is better" is not an uncommon mentality, especially among fitness enthusiasts. EC would never have gotten the negative reputation that it did, and would never have been banned from pre-wo supps, if moderation were the common practice. many people, especially people who are new to the game, think they're special and can handle overly intense workout routines/diets/drug regimens, and thats when problems happen. With workouts and diets, its generally fine - they blow up after a while and have to make changes order to make it sustainable. With drugs, on the other hand, you can pretty easily kill yourself by being overzealous
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i agree wholeheartedly, but "more is better" is not an uncommon mentality, especially among fitness enthusiasts. EC would never have gotten the negative reputation that it did, and would never have been banned from pre-wo supps, if moderation were the common practice. many people, especially people who are new to the game, think they're special and can handle overly intense workout routines/diets/drug regimens, and thats when problems happen. With workouts and diets, its generally fine - they blow up after a while and have to make changes order to make it sustainable. With drugs, on the other hand, you can pretty easily kill yourself by being overzealous

ABSOLUTELY agree... been in this game a while.. on and off.. and I'm big into the "lowest amount to produce results" mentality....