Recent content by Putang Masher

  1. P

    Needle size

    do you have a fat ass? if so, go with 1.5". if you are lean then 1'' is fine.
  2. P

    Tren and Liver

    well, i'm not very versed in hepatocytes, peroxisome...but both these were significantly above that of the control subject cows. And again, these aren't human tests.
  3. P

    To Squat Or Not To Squat

    how big a dead we talking?
  4. P

    Winter's New Journal

    good work winter, way to hit it hard
  5. P

    New Theory on PCT!

    muy interesante
  6. P

    Anavar Stack

    maybe get something injectable based
  7. P

    Tren and Liver

    maybe this will help a little..maybe not... Effects of the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate, implanted alone or in combination with oestradiol-17 beta, on liver cell ultrastructure in steers.Harrison RD. The ultrastructural changes in hepatocytes of steers were studied in animals implanted...
  8. P

    Tren and Liver

    i think it's a 17-beta
  9. P

    Tren and Liver

    it is
  10. P

    5,000 - 7,000 cal diet?

    5-7k cal is kinda overboard. more likely than not and you will put on a LOT of fat
  11. P

    post workout

    i tried the whole carbing up after working out..didn't notice much...may have something to do with me sipping a powerade throughout my workout. i just use 40-50g whey isolate 6g creatine 200mg ala 100mg american ginseng
  12. P

    Top UGL's

    isn't it body fortress?
  13. P

    How to use PGF2 and MGF together

    from what i know, pgf needs to be shot five times a day to be effective....little overboard unless you are going pro