Recent content by Ready2Roid

  1. R

    Is 3 and a half weeks into a cycle to early to get gyno symptoms?

    Haha, good one:P I actually stopped cycling now, so I guess A.I wont bee needed.. Its been one week since my last injection.. but I only got 15 10 mgs nolvadex.. Ill just take 10 mgs a day for 15 days and see what happens...:)
  2. R

    Is 3 and a half weeks into a cycle to early to get gyno symptoms?

    Thanks.. I started noticing the itching 2 days ago.. so I dont think I have gotten time to develop lumps yet. And about the A.I`s i know they take some time to work, and Anti-E`s like nolvadex works pretty fast..
  3. R

    Is 3 and a half weeks into a cycle to early to get gyno symptoms?

    Test enanthate. 250 mg/ml from Diamond pharma.
  4. R

    Is 3 and a half weeks into a cycle to early to get gyno symptoms?

    Im 3 and a half weeks into my 500 mg test/week cycle and Im starting to notice some itching in my nipples... Am I just imagining this or is it possible to start getting gyno already? What should I do if its real? I got som nolvadex on hand.. maybe pop some of those?
  5. R

    FLEX magazine.. LOL!

    I visited a friend of mine the other day, and he had a couple of FLEX magazines, so I just had to take a litte look and see if there was someting interesting inside.. I was amazed how much bullshit they could write in a magazine, there were advertises in every other page, som said that you...
  6. R

    Another workout. Advice.

    Way to many isolation exercises in my opinion, stick with the big exercises which hits many musclegroups at the same time. Also I would train every muscle 2-3 times pr. week and I think 5 days per week in the gym is too much. 3-4 days works for me, keeps motivation up and i get more rest...
  7. R

    Why do almost all Pro builders train with high volume and 1 x week pr bodypart?

    This name was made as a joke. Its a shame that guys like you are to stupid to understand it.
  8. R

    Why do almost all Pro builders train with high volume and 1 x week pr bodypart?

    yeah I know, but i cant see why they would train like this just beacuse they are filmed, then train completely different when the cams are off.:)
  9. R

    Why do almost all Pro builders train with high volume and 1 x week pr bodypart?

    Ive seen many training vids, where they showed a typical week of training and dieting. Ive seen Lee priest, ronnie coleman, shawn ray, markus ruhl, dorian yates, arnold, flex wheeler and Kevin levrones vids, they all train like this exept dorian yates which trains HIT and ronnie which hits some...
  10. R

    Why do almost all Pro builders train with high volume and 1 x week pr bodypart?

    Why do almost all Pro builders train with high volume and 1 x week pr bodypart? Almost everytime I see a traningvideo with a pro he`s doing a hell of a lot of sets and reps and goes all out on a bodypart once per week.. Its seems so strange that almost all of those guys make this way of...
  11. R

    problem with symmetry

    Teqnique is also very improtant when training chest, many people tend to push forward theyre shoulder when pressing, which adds stress to the shoulders and decrease stress on the chest. So keep youre shoulder pinched back and your chest arched. Dont lay flat on the bench.
  12. R

    Voice Affected After Cycle?

    The voice changes are permanent. If a woman got deeper voice from doing steroids she would have to do an operation(scraping of the vocalcord). However this is not a probem for most men since theyre voices are already deep.
  13. R

    Drug Tests

    Whats FL?
  14. R

    Calorie Dense Carbs

    Rice and pasta actually dont contain a lot og carbs pr 100 g when it is cooked, simple beacuse it absorbs a lot of water. Its food with high water retention, maybe you should switch to pasta propionate which holds less water:splat: