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  • hey guy whats up. from the boston area also have a lot of good friends from medford
    but my friend has come across that bio anabolics stuff also local he says that the anadrol is liquid and so is the dball not injectable thought sublingual he says its good I have my doubts because all I do is HG I was just woundering is thei stuff legit,I have not seen liquid anadrol,anavar, or dball in years never the var but thats also around
    I am on a lot of other boards OLM bolex by the way z has always been gtg hg gear he can be slow at times thought
    I'm looking at a really old post of your's just wanted to know if the bio anabolic labs tren ace gear worked or was it junk. I have been using it for a week now and nothing really seems to be happening. Thanks for your time.
    hey soxnation..noticed your post in a few threads and just wanted to know if your order from Z was legit or not. I figure your from the boston/new england area with a screen name like that hahaha and im from the boston area myself..go sox! how long did it take for your order from purchase to in your hands. and legit? thanks for any insight.
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