Recent content by river

  1. R

    Tbol vs Dbol

    I'm on my 3rd week of a Tbol kick start @ 50mg a day. So far I like it better than Dbol since I've had no outrageous heart rate/BP, random nose bleeds, and the back pumps aren't as bad.
  2. R

    To testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or To IMT?? ...That is my question....

    Internal medicine doctors who prescribe 200mg/month are generally only doing it because they know what the problem is but aren't well versed enough in hormone replacement to know all there is to know such as AI's, how much test you produce naturally per week, etc. They know enough to "treat"...
  3. R

    How to get past the intial cardio hurdle?

    Sounds like you have a sister like mine... I run with her because she's my sister, not because I'm a runner by any means. lol
  4. R

    Real or fake Sustanon (sust) and pct?

    Really? You've gained 10lbs already and have oily skin/acne and wonder if there's any test in there? Why did you buy something you questioned in the first place? I'm not being a dick, just asking the obvious questions that everyone is about to ask... Also, If someone sells legit test, the...
  5. R


    Yeah, this is my second cycle but I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for a while so I'm no stranger to self injects. I noticed that GP's sustanon uses a lot of esthers that most others don't instead of just propionate, like acetate, phenyl propionate, and isacoproate. Maybe it...
  6. R


    Did the second injection last Sunday on the other side.... Its Thursday and my ass is still hobbling around like a peg legged pirate. I just said screw it and pinned 300mg of my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test C on Wednesday since there was no way I could see having a quad and glute...
  7. R


    I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I'm no stranger to self injects and I went the the good ole glute inject. Usually painless as ever so I'm thinking its the prop or acetate esther. Either way, that shit hurt all day today. lol Oh well, it's not gonna keep me from pinning again...
  8. R

    Anyone Else Prefer To Workout By Themselves?

    I find that I'm way more focused and intense when I workout alone. I offered to help a friend get in shape and what does she do...? She invites her damn cousin to workout with me!! I'm all for helping when someone needs it but I'm not your free personal trainer and certainly not your thug ass...
  9. R


    Did first injection of GP sustanon 270 2 days ago. Now feeling like I took a 9mm to the ass!! Damn!! Lol
  10. R

    New Gym, New Machines

    Do the easy thing... Change girlfriends, not gyms. lol
  11. R

    GP sustanon 270

    Anyone run GP's sustanon 270 anytime recently? Just curios as to quality. Just picked up 4 vials and thought I'd see if anyone else has ran any of it.
  12. R

    Need Help Guys on Workout Routine while in the field

    Sounds like a good time to get reacquainted with some good ole push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches. lol
  13. R

    what music make you push more?

    Five finger death punch: under and over it all Pantera: cowboys from hell Killswitch engage: hope is Ramallah: days of revenge Lil Wayne: John Rage against the machine So many good ones out there
  14. R

    Had to share this!

    I bet he's a master at the 1/5 squat also.....
  15. R

    Any good gear

    Badger milk and dill weed works wonders!!