Recent content by Rond01

  1. Rond01

    Should I be trusting the scale?

    Do not quote spam
  2. Rond01

    Safe age to try gear?

    weights=life dude who is that girl in your avatar and were is she :doggy:
  3. Rond01

    Clomid VS Vision trouble/long-term damage

    if your having any vision problems or spots of light from clomid(unusual at normal dose) lower the dose and youll be fine. it goes away
  4. Rond01

    Euro-Pharmacies - Uncle Z - Reviews Good!

    i homebrew my tren the crystal fina method and i get almost 90% conversion. i know exactly how much tren i put into my oils and out of the whatman the final product comes out clear light yellow at 150/ML. darker tren is from heating. either way bashing companies or not you have no idea what your...
  5. Rond01

    HELP! can i stop after 2 injections of test e 300mg/ml

    145lbs lol i hope ur short at least . eat up and gain as much as you can before using gear.
  6. Rond01

    Ready tren to Crystal fina

    im curious if its possible to convert the oiled tren back to crystal fina . can i just mix it back with water and at the right ratio of water to oil tren will start to re-crystalize? thanks for the feedback.
  7. Rond01

    The mystery of anadrol

    lmao. i thought i was learning and then poof!
  8. Rond01

    Wife asked if Im on steroids

    my gf is in school to be a nurse so she does all my glute inj. :-) but its not a good thing when u did something wrong recently i learned a few says ago cause she wiggled it a little bit. aahhh! . she denied it was intentional
  9. Rond01

    trenbolone acetate...

    hey bro u watchin the game 2marro?
  10. Rond01

    pubic masturbation

    what was she supposed to say then??
  11. Rond01

    trenbolone acetate...

    is this your 1st cycle at 18 and your running tren only? your too young to start using aas bro. Let your body fully develop maybe 23-25, and maybe start with something a little milder like test. tren is a harsh 1st timer.
  12. Rond01

    New Source??

    sorry i just think someone here is having this very same problem.
  13. Rond01

    New Source??

  14. Rond01

    Funny shit in the bedroom

    damn bro you must have had some bad times with the ladies there not that bad........not all of them......:hahano:
  15. Rond01

    Funny shit in the bedroom

    hell yea im in the same boat, im not sure to be disapointed because she dont know how or glad that she hasnt done it enough to know. lol