Recent content by Rosie Chee Scott

  1. Rosie Chee Scott

    MAP or BCAA's?

    Sound :naughty:
  2. Rosie Chee Scott

    Pre Max a True Pre-Workout with superior ingredients

    On so many levels - I mean, the Vitamin C thing last year :thinking: Seriously! New Zealand and Australia (especially Australia) are not so far off becoming like Canada, though.
  3. Rosie Chee Scott


    Interesting . . . How do you figure that (because creatine is not more effective than a hormonal)? . . . Not sure how you would know that . . . Unless there's something you're not telling us? :thinking:
  4. Rosie Chee Scott

    The Future of Primordial Performance

    Yes, the products in the AndroSeries are stackable. PCT will be covered when the product write-ups are revealed, but basically, anything less than 6 weeks and the Testosterone Recovery Stack will be adequate for PCT, but cycles over 6 weeks and you want to add a SERM to PCT. ~Rosie~
  5. Rosie Chee Scott

    Best Testbooster for PCT

    If you are only going to use ONE, then I would recommend FREE TEST - it covers all your bases re boosting testosterone, releasing Luteinizing Hormone , controlling cortisol, and inhibiting aromatase. If you are going to use a stack, then there is the Testosterone Recovery Stack, as well as...
  6. Rosie Chee Scott

    The Future of Primordial Performance

    Direct link to today's interview:
  7. Rosie Chee Scott


    Using creatine is a good idea. If you've never used creatine before, the stick with the tried and proven creatine monohydrate. I also recommend researching about creatine and the physiological reason for using it, since creatine is not going to "bulk" you up and then get you "toned" - whilst...
  8. Rosie Chee Scott

    The Future of Primordial Performance

    There was so much static during the live interview that I'm going to wait until they Archive it - looking forward to hearing it!
  9. Rosie Chee Scott

    my wife wants to try the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet

    I have not tried the HCG diet and are never going to (in fact, I don't "diet", period). Of course she is going to lose weight - being ridiculous and only eating 500 calories a day, anyone is going to lose weight. It's not a HEALTHY way to lose weight though, and her body will lose both fat AND...
  10. Rosie Chee Scott

    Just finished Havoc cycle.....drug testing ?

    I asked Matt. His response: "Military doesn't test for androgens unless there is previous suspicion, and even then it is highly doubtful Havoc would be tested for...simply too expensive." So you're fine :blue: ~Rosie~
  11. Rosie Chee Scott

    Test booster's

    Yes, Testosterone boosters work, but they are not "magic pills" - you still have to work hard with training and optimize our nutrition for your goals. From personal experience, the best Testosterone boosters I have used: * Erase - The REVOLUTION of the Female Terminator CONTINUES with ERASE or...
  12. Rosie Chee Scott

    turinabol cycle question

    ^^^Those who lose their gains don't complete post cycle therapy (pct) correctly, drop off in their nutrition, or decrease their training intensity and volume. There is no need for gains to be lost during post cycle therapy (pct) if you do it right.
  13. Rosie Chee Scott

    How do you know if you've recovered?

    The only way to really know when your body has returned to homeostatsis is if you have blood done - pre-cycle, post-cycle, and again post-post cycle therapy (pct). As for starting your next cycle, the rule of thumb for running another hormonal cycle after the completion of one is "Time On +...
  14. Rosie Chee Scott

    The Future of Primordial Performance

    Good Grip? No, I don't think so. As for the "re-release of an old pp ph" - one of the AndroSeries products may share the same name as AndroHard, but it is not necessarily going to be an "old pp ph" at all. All will be revealed soon enough. As Steve said, "2011 is going to be a year of...