Recent content by RR88

  1. R

    Recent pics........................

    Ziegler first off I don't think my opinion is oh so holy but it's my fucking opinion lol. It's a forum and if you post your stuff people are gonna give there opinion. If you wanna cry like I'm being harsh that's not my issue. I'm actually trying to give good advice to help Matt out. I have no...
  2. R

    Recent pics........................

    Everyone's doing you no favours with this garbage advice. All of it. You run soooo much gear and have absolutely no physique for all that. You have no doubt destroyed your hpta and should do 200mg test a week and find a way to get results with non superphysiological doses of drugs. Once you...
  3. R

    3 1/2 year transformation pics ( recovering alkie)

    Matt I'm not gonna jump on the wagon and teR you apart as it's obviously very easy. Your doing it too yourself. Stop acting so silly. I am a recovering opiate addict from perks to oxy to heroin and many other drugs all around so you should be proud of your changes in life. Good for you my...
  4. R

    Is HGH worth getting to help heal injury?

    If its to do with your disks which is most likely the case. insanely common then GH won't do shit. I find its best for muscle tears and some others of course. Your best bet is getting an MRI and telling a Doc who only wants to give you Opiates to go fuck himself. Lotta doctors are without...
  5. R

    4th cycle opinions please

    Why have your test at 750 when deca has a higher anabolic rating and lower androgenic rating. I'd keep your test at 750 at do deca at 1000. I'd also throw in some EQ. And bump ur dbol to 50. Also make it 18 weeks in my opinion. That's an off season bulk. Small bridge with higher doses mind you...
  6. R

    Which gauge for injecting test e?

    Pull with 18 and pinn with 23 or 25. I prefer 23 as it's quicker but stings lil more n more chance of bleeding. Really up to you. No stress. I prefer glute majority of injections 1.5 inch. Lotta meat and you can rotate injections on the glute alone lol. Occasionally il rotate elsewhere. My 2...
  7. R

    Libido dropped on test only cycle.. bloods tomorrow

    Maybe I'm an anomaly but if I dosed 15 ED on even just test 500 a week I would crash my estradiol to zilch. I take 15mg once a week at 600 per week and I'm good. My bloods have confirmed it time and time again and I don't think my zinc 100mg per night is saving me lol.
  8. R

    i need girl advice from you older dogs here

    Your 22. Focus on your life with whatever dreams, ambitions you have. Build yourself and YOUR life. The women will come. Trust that. Be it whores or your future wife just go with the flow. Don't over think and let be what be. Waste your time focusing on women at 22 and you WILL regret it. Now go...
  9. R

    severe knee pain after squatting 5 plates (video)

    Too much weight for you. Drop to 365 go deep and proper form and up the reps. You wanna compete? Then do it like the professionals approach it. That's so fukin idiotic. Your not engaging all the muscles. It will just give you a false sense and get you injured. Squatting is a compound movement...
  10. R

    20 and I want to juice, test and sustanol

    Your not anywhere close to your natural potential. You should work your ass off for another 3-5 years to max out naturally or at least you will be hitting very difficult plateaus by that time. In the time period become a nerd and learn as much as you can on lifting, nutrition and steroids. Good...
  11. R

    Thoughts on next cycle...

    Looks ok. I'd use do tbol instead of m1t. With that drug regime I'd guess to see lotta lean gains. Of course factoring in proper nutrition, sleep and training. Good luck.
  12. R

    what are the best two peptides to take together for healing?

    Serostim hgh with tb500 combined with PRP shots (platelet rich plasma). Best protocol I've seen.
  13. R

    Want input on cycle for new forum user

    Pork hop I don't see why your typing like a smart alec lol. You absolutely can but it's much better to kick start as you will get more out of your cycle, period.
  14. R

    Want input on cycle for new forum user

    Why no oral to kick start? Just curios. Epi is not nearly strong enough.