Which gauge for injecting test e?


New member
I know this question has been asked and I saw people say 18g for drawing and 25 for pinning but just wondering how it works. You draw with a larger needle and then how would you (proper technique) get it into the thinner needle? I just wanna make sure which needle is best before I order them. (Body fat is 11%).
Also, the syringes I have currently are 3mL syringes. They're labelled by .1's. The test i'm getting is 350mg/ml so I need about .71mL twice a week. Any way to get an accurate dosing other than guesstimating? I have a small dropped that I could use to measure it but how would I transfer it from that to the syringe?
You buy the barrels and syringes separately and the needles are detachable.
Google types of syringes.
I pin glute and only glute(you people who pin other places are crazy).

I use 23g 1.5 inch needle
To draw I get 18g needles and do what hiram1st said above and detach the 23g and attatch 18 to draw then back to 23 to pin.

Keep in mind the needle size I use is only for glute. If you're going somewhere else such as shoulder I'd recommend 25g 1 inch
Pull with 18 and pinn with 23 or 25. I prefer 23 as it's quicker but stings lil more n more chance of bleeding. Really up to you. No stress. I prefer glute majority of injections 1.5 inch. Lotta meat and you can rotate injections on the glute alone lol. Occasionally il rotate elsewhere. My 2 cents. Don't over think it. Most of it's pretty fukin arbitrary.
I've been pinning my glutes with 1.5" 22s. I just got a box of 1.25" 25s and they're OK, but the oil moves through the 25 so slow that I'll likely go back to the 22s. I can use the 25 when I hit my shoulders.

proper technique) get it into the thinner needle?

Pull the Test from the vial with a large sized needle and then carefully take off that needle and swap it out for a 22, 23, or 25 to do your pinning.

You end up using two needles for each syringe/injection. But they are super cheap online.