Recent content by Rucker

  1. Rucker

    Closest Legal Thing To Anavar - New Halodrol Clone

    A topical fat loss cream that actually works - DermaTherm Target
  2. Rucker

    A topical fat loss cream that actually works - DermaTherm Target

    Closest Legal Thing To Anavar - New Halodrol Clone
  3. Rucker

    first pH Turinabol help needed.

    Did you get set up with this? Have you considered running AndroHard as a first pH?
  4. Rucker

    Closest Legal Thing To Anavar - New Halodrol Clone

    :vampire: Turinabol and AndroHard would be a killer recomp/cut stack:vampire:
  5. Rucker

    first pH Turinabol help needed.

    I would add liver juice while on cycle, and the Testosterone Recovery Stack for PCT
  6. Rucker

    Is eating ------- a waste of time?

    mac and cheese is trash. if you potatoes come in a box, they are trash. Sweet potatoes and yams are the way to go for carbs. Your muscles need carbs to grow. However, you gain strength from protein. A trainer at the crossfit gym I used to attend went on a diet for about a month and a half...
  7. Rucker


    This is why we suggest using liver juice with this.
  8. Rucker

    Liver Toxic Effects of Pro-Steroids and How to Avoid Them

    Maybe if you get it from your doctor. But the gear you buy from some random guy you find online isn't FDA approved, in fact you don't even know if he's sending you what you think you're getting.:bash:
  9. Rucker

    some good liver tabs?

    what is the difference? I actually don't know
  10. Rucker

    some good liver tabs?

    Absorption of tabs is very low, I would suggest taking a look at Liver Juice before making a decision.
  11. Rucker

    Keeping Gains Post Cycle

    Both could be used during post cycle therapy (pct). They would not be a sufficient full pct, but would make great additions.:axe:
  12. Rucker

    Steroids can raise LDL: Tocotrienols can lower LDL Cholesterol
