Recent content by Shane12

  1. S

    Second Cycle Layout TEST\DECA\DBOL

    After I finish this function I'll post my diet for day to day.
  2. S

    Second Cycle Layout TEST\DECA\DBOL

    I also have enough Nolva and Clomid to allow for a 100/100/50/50 on clomid, and a 40/40/20/20/10 on the nolva.
  3. S

    Second Cycle Layout TEST\DECA\DBOL

    Should I stop the deca at week nine and continue the test tapering down to 250 for two weeks, allowing my pct to be more smooth. I have ai on hand. I'm frontloading the deca and test at double dosage the first two weeks so that it would kick in faster on top of my dbol. Do you think that would...
  4. S

    Second Cycle Layout TEST\DECA\DBOL

    Yes, I do. I log all the meals I eat throughout the day, which stays almost exactly the same despite lunch on a day to day basis.
  5. S

    Second Cycle Layout TEST\DECA\DBOL

    Age:18 Height:5'11 bf %:12 Weight: 175 Weeks 1-10: Test Cyp 500 mg a week Deca: 250 mg a week Weeks 1-4: Dbol 40 mg ed Weeks 12-14: PCT Clomid 50\50\25\25 Nolva 40\40\20\20 I eat 4k clean calories every single day, I'm just curious if you guys believe this would be a good bulking cycle. My...