Recent content by shaunw

  1. shaunw

    Oxy Elite Pro and precycle info

    I'm 27 and I have good eatting habits. This is my 6th cycle. I'm. Taking the var/winny and tren A for a month or so to get a good cutting base, then the Tren E, Prop and Cyp for 45 days of bulking and I might do a lil deca before I start my post cycle therapy (pct) to help with keepin the gains...
  2. shaunw

    Oxy Elite Pro and precycle info

    Thanks for the info regarding long term oral anavar/winny use but I only intend on taking 200 10mg vars and 1 10cc bottle of winnys for a short period of time before I start bulking.
  3. shaunw

    Oxy Elite Pro and precycle info

    Looking for info regarding Oxyelitepro, I just bought a bottle to try and cut some fat and lean up before I start my cycle(Tren A, Tren E, Prop, Cyp, Anavar, Winstrol, & Durabolin). I'm ta"king Tribulus Pro, Bcaa's Glutamine, Glucosamine,Milk Thistle, Cranberry Extracy, & Whey Protein. Is...
  4. shaunw

    Info regarding what the best time to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or HMG during a cycle is

    Info regarding what the best time to use HCG or HMG during a cycle is I've read that its good to use HCG/HMG during your cycle as well as running it as a post cycle therapy (pct) at the end to even out the bodies hormones levels to minimize gain loss. I wanted to know if this was true and if...
  5. shaunw

    Tren and Prop by Proleva

    The Prop bottles I have got a gray and white label and have a LOT# and Expiration date. Mine expire 8/13 and I Know there legit
  6. shaunw

    Tren and Prop by Proleva

    I also know that the people who make the brand you want info on would prefer to keep their brand name off the radar so their company can keep making quality gear.Its just a suggestion.
  7. shaunw

    Tren and Prop by Proleva

    You should be taken a minimun of 100mg of Test Propionate every other day. I usually start off taken 1ml/100mg EOD for the first few shots then bump the dose up to 1.5 to 2 ml EOD towards the middle of the cycle. Some guys might think its overkill but its always worked for me. Prop is a short...
  8. shaunw

    HMG vs. HCG

    I just wanted if anyone had some input on which is a better to use, HMG or HCG, for use during and after running an advanced cycle. Any info will be greatly appreciated, thanks alot
  9. shaunw

    Should I add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to Test Cyp cycle

    What symptons do u need to have as a women to get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) prescribed?
  10. shaunw

    Should I add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to Test Cyp cycle

    I agree with Cobra, and you def should get something to prevent any problem you might have with gyno(Arimidex,Clomid, Nolvadex, Letrozole, etc.). Even though your takin such a low dose of cyp anything can happen, you could have a genetic disposition to gyno and not even know it until its to late.
  11. shaunw

    Hey system, I appreciate u sendin me the PMs with the links on the supplements I was looking...

    Hey system, I appreciate u sendin me the PMs with the links on the supplements I was looking for. I kno this is probly a stupid question but when will I be able to send or reply to PMs in my inbox. I'm not sure if u how much a lot rep power or to have a lot threads posted. Any info would be...
  12. shaunw

    Need advice on a 2nd cycle

    I'm running a similiar cycle right now only without the clens. I also train in MMA(Krav Maga,Jui Juitsu,Boxing) and found that MMA training is def sufficient enough for cutting if your training 2 hours/ 3 days a week while eating right. If your trying to put on some lean mass as well I suggest...
  13. shaunw

    British Dragon Anavar 10mg

    I'm trying to get more defined while putting on a little size. I'm taking the anavar in conjuction with Tren Acetate and Prop. I originally got the Anavar for strength gain and minimizing water retention from the Prop but I recently read that the Anavar eliminates Visceral fat as well.
  14. shaunw

    Supplements to use with Tren,Prop an Anavar

    I wanted to know which supplments will help in a cutting cycle with Tren Acetate, Prop, and Anavar cycle. I'm currrently taking Tribulus Pro, DHEA,BCAA's,Milk Thistle,Cranberry Extract,Glucosamine and Hydroxycut Hardcore. I'm trying to put on lean mass while cutting up, any advice regarding...
  15. shaunw

    what kind of supplements do you use?

    Tribulus Pro DHEA BCAA Liv 52 Cranberry Extract Glucosamine Glutamine I use these supplements with a Tren,Prop and Anavar cycle. Hope the info helps